Page 58 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 58

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                                                             Look at the information about  skycycling
                                                             tubes. Then write a description of this means
          Vocabulary                                         of transport using will and won’t.

             Use the clues in the two pictures to form               Skycycling tubes
             a phrase.

          a.                          friendly helicopter

                                                            easy-to-drive               (-)
                                                            slow                        driverless
                                                            healthy                     cheap
                                                            environmentally friendly    high-speed

                                                           Skycycling tubes will be easy to drive. They will
                                                            ___________________. They _______________________.
                                                           _______________________. ________________________.

                                                           Skycycling tubes won‛t be driverless. They won‛t
                                                           They ___________________________________________.

                                                             Match the sentences in A with those in B.
             Complete this table.                            Some sentences in A can be matched with
                                                             more than one sentence in B.
                      IN THE FUTURE                                 A                      B
                                                           1. Will we travel in driverless cars   a. Yes, of course.
                                                             in  the future?       b. Oh, I think we won’t have
                    Verb    Energy used Characteristics
                                                           2. Will we have high speed trains   them until the year 2030.
                    (ride,…) (solar,…)  (intelligent, fl ying,…)
                                                             in the next fi ve years?  c.  I don’t know. Perhaps we
           bicycle                                         3. I think we will have electric   won’t travel in driverless
                                                             taxis very soon.        cars in the future.
           car                                             4. Will the Segway be   d. Yes, I just hope it won’t
                                                             environmentally friendly?  rain.
                                                           5. I hope it will be a lovely picnic.  e. Yes, maybe we will.
                                                           Finished! Now I can …
          Grammar                                          ●    talk about means of
                                                             transport and travelling in
             Change the personal pronouns in brackets        the future
             into suitable possessive pronouns.            ●    use will for future prediction

          This bicycle is (1. I) ____________. It’s parked next to   ●    use possessive pronouns
                                                           ●    understand the diff erence
          (2. you) __________. Are Phuong and Dung at school
                                                             between facts and opinions
          today? I can’t see (3. they) ______________. I really like   ●  use signal words when
                                                             giving opinions
          Anna’s bike. I wish I had (4. she) _______________.

          56   Unit 11/Travelling in the Future
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