Page 62 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 62

Pronunciation                                  $ &/26(5 /22.
          Word stress
             Listen and mark (') the stress in the words.
                                                         Comparisons of quantifi ers: more, less/fewer
             spacious       pollution   poverty             Read the sentences.

             stressful      hungry      nutrition        1.   Children in the slums have more diseases than
                                                             those in wealthy areas.
             increase       support     violence
                                                         2.   The countryside has fewer problems than a big city.
             shortage       disease     healthcare
                                                                   Comparisons of quantifi ers
             Listen again and repeat.                                    traffi  c, pollution, food …
                                                           >      more _______________________ than
                                                                         problems, solutions …
             Look out!                                            less          nutrition, clean water …
             Some two-syllable words can be a noun         <      _____     _____________________ than
             or a verb. The stress changes when the               fewer      diseases, criminals …
             use of the word changes.
                                                          D Read the information about the two cities.
                          Noun             Verb
           General    Stress on the   Stress on the
           rules      fi rst syllable  second syllable
                          2 R              R 2
                      e.g. This 'record   e.g. Can you re'cord
                      is great.      this programme for
                         Group 1         Group 2            Brumba
           Exceptions Both nouns     Both nouns and         Density: 4,509 people/km 2 2
                                                                             l /k
                      and verbs have  verbs have stress
                                                            Accommodation: 57% in slums
                      stress on the   on the second
                      fi rst syllable.  syllable.           Average earnings: 4$/day
                          2 R              R 2
                                                            Enough food: 45% population
                      e.g. There’s no   e.g. Shall we go and
                      'answer to this   watch the pa'rade?  Children over ten going to school: 71%

             Listen and repeat each pair. Mark (') the stress
             on the words in the table below.
          Example:      'record  (n)   re'cord (v)

              Words       As a noun      As a verb
           record        record        record               Density: 928 people/km 2

           picture       picture       picture              Accommodation:  3% in slums
                                                            Average earnings: 66$/day
           answer        answer        answer
                                                            Enough food: 98% population
           parade        parade        parade
                                                            Children over ten going to school: 98%
           support       support       support

          61  Unit 12/An Overcrowded World
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