Page 67 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 67

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                                                             Look at the situation and complete the eff ects
                                                              with more, fewer or less.
          Vocabulary                                          Situation. A new factory will be built in my
             Match the words with their defi nitions.
                                                          1.  The factory will bring ______ jobs to local
             1. overcrowded    2. poor     3. peaceful        people.
                                                          2.  ______ people will move here to work in the
             4. spacious     5. busy
                                                          3.  These people will need ______ water and
          A.   too many people
          B.   to have very little money
          C.   calm and quiet                             4.  There will be ______ space for children to play.
          D.   a large area where it is easy to move
          E.   a lot of things happening                  Communication
                                                             I’ve got more!
             Write a sentence for each of the following
             words.                                           Work in groups. Look at the situations and
                                                              talk about their possible eff ects.
          Crime is a problem in big cities.
                                                          Situation:  A cousin is moving in to share your room
             crime                 1.                               for two months.
                healthcare         2.                     Eff ects:    - I will lose my privacy.
                                                                          - I can have more fun.
                    disease        3.
                                                                          - I will have less space of my own.
                     poverty y     4.
                education          5.

              Put an appropriate tag question at the end of
             each sentence. Then match the questions to
             their answers.

                   Questions             Answers          Situation 1.    The karaoke next to your house is
                                                                      attracting more and more young
            1.  We have more tourists   a. No, there are
                                                                      people coming.
              this year, _____?        fewer than last    Situation 2.    A fl ea market has been established in
                                                                      your neighbourhood.
            2.  You got stuck in a traffi  c   b.  Yes, they do,
                 jam on the way home,         particularly big   Finished!  Now I can ...
                 ______, Mum?              cities in China.
                                                           •     use words to describe
            3.  There will be a solution   c.  I hope there   overcrowded places and
                 to this shortage of clean        will.       the effects of overcrowding
                 water, ______?                            •   form comparisons of
            4.  We should do something   d.  Yes, we should.
                 to reduce poverty, _____?        But how?  •   use tag questions
                                                           •   write about the population
            5.  Big cities suff er more   e.  Yes, as always,   change
                 from air pollution, _____?       dear.

          66  Unit 12/An Overcrowded World
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