Page 70 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 70

           Reading                                         Speaking
              Which of the causes of hunger below do you
                                                           A.  Choose one of the words in the list below,
              think is the most serious in your country?
                                                              keep it to yourself.
              Tick ( ) it.
                                                           B.  Ask questions to fi nd out which word A has
                Overpopulation                                chosen. Your questions should not contain any of
                Wars                                          the words in the list.
                Weather-related disasters                      coal     hunger     sunlight    ride
                                                            teleporter  energy    transport   pollute

                                                              A:  (has chosen the word ‘coal’)
                                                              B:  Is it a noun?
                                                              A:   Yes, it is.
                                                              B:   Does it have colour?
                                                              A:  Yes, it does.
              Read the text and choose the best answer for    B:  What colour is it?
              each question.                                  A:   It’s black.
                                                              B: It’s ‘coal’.
           Hunger has become a serious problem in many parts   Listening
           of the world.
           The fi rst cause of  hunger is the fast growth of      Which words (A, B, or C)   A. The eff ects
           population. The Earth is no longer able to feed its   do you think is closest   B. The environment
           more than seven billion people. There is not enough   in meaning to the word    C. Our actions
           land for growing food.                             ‘footprint’?
           The change of climate also brings to the Earth      Listen to the conversation and answer the
           more weather-related disasters such as storms and   questions.
           droughts … They heavily destroy crops.          1.   What word is Phong searching for?
           Wars are still happening. People are fi ghting,   2.   Does this word have only one meaning?
           or running away from home. There’s nobody to work
                                                           3.   Does Phong explain the meaning of this word
           on the fi eld or in the factory to produce food.
                                                              to Nam?
           Technology is working hard to help solve part of
                                                           4.   What happens if we take care of the trees
           this problem. In the future, we will have warning
                                                              around us?
           systems to reduce the loss from natural disasters.
           Low-cost means of transport will also be used to   Writing
           carry food to area-in-need.
                                                               Imagine an ideal means of transport for YOUR
           1.  Drought is an example of _________.            area. Write a short description of it.
              A. weather-related disasters
              B. a human activities
              C. climate
           2.   One possible consequence of a war is that
              A. people will buy food from other countries
              B. people cannot work to produce food
              C. more disasters will happen
           3.  The problem of hunger can be solved with the   In your writing, you should mention:
              help of _________.                           •  the name you give to it
              A. expensive means of transport              •  what it is like
              B. technology                                •  what kind of energy it uses
              C. wars                                      •  why it is good for your area

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