Page 69 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 69

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           Pronunciation                                   4.  I am dreaming of a __________, which can take
                                                              me to another place in seconds in any weather.
              Listen to the conversation and mark the         A. three-wheel bicycle
              rising (  ) or falling (  ) intonation for each      B. teleporter
                                                              C. sport car
           Nick:   Phong.  The idea of
                 riding to school on                       5.  Clean water which is __________ through pipes
                 a monowheel is so                            is called piped water.
                                                              A. supplied       B. given       C. run
           Phong: What’s a monowheel?
           Nick:   It’s a single-wheel bike.               Grammar
           Phong: Single-wheel?                               Use the verbs in brackets in the future simple
                 How do you ride it?
                                                              active (will do) or the future simple passive
           Nick:   You just sit inside the wheel and pedal.   (will be done) to complete the sentences.
           Phong: Hm …! Is it easy to fall?
                                                           1.  Children __________ to school in a jet pack. (fl y)
           Nick:   I suppose so, but you should take adventures,
                 shouldn’t you?                            2.  Solar panels __________ to produce energy. (use)
           Phong: No, not me. Why do you like it?          3.   All the slums in this area  __________ for new
           Nick:   Can’t you imagine? I can see people looking   multi-storey buildings. (demolish)
                 at me with admiration. Wow!               4.   We ________________ robots to help us with some
              Listen again and repeat.                        our housework. (have)
           Vocabulary                                      5.   I hope someone  __________ a machine to do
                                                              homework for me. (invent)
             Form a suitable word from the word stem to
              fi ll the sentences.                         Everyday English
            1.  Have you found a ______________ to   solve     Put the sentences in the right order to form a
               that math problem?                             conversation.
            2.  Natural sources cannot provide   crowd
               enough energy to support this
               __________ world.

            3.  Do you know that we have ______   drive
               cars? They don’t need a driver.

            4.  Of all the  __________ in the world,   invent
               which one do you like best?

            5.  Playing outside is  __________ than   health
               staying inside.                             _______ a. On a tree?
                                                           _______ b. Maybe. But that’s my DREAM.
              Choose A, B, or C to complete sentences.     ___1___ c. Phong, tell me your dream.

           1.   In Mongolia, dung is a kind of _________. People   _______ d. Slow but you can save energy. And my
                                                                      house is not far from school.
              use it for cooking and heating.
              A. energy source         B. footprint      C. accommodation  _______ e. And ... will you still go to school?
                                                           _______  f. Sure. But not on a crowded bus. I’ll pedal to
           2.  To save money, we learn to __________ some daily        school on a monowheel.
              products like coca cola bottles.
                                                           _______ g. I will have a small wooden house on a tree.
              A. keep     B. reuse      C. produce         _______ h. A monowheel is slow.
           3.  In the green future, vehicles will be powered by   _______ i. Yes, where I can be away from noise and
              __________.                                             I can hear birds singing.
              A. solar energy           B. coal               C. gas  _______  j. You sound unrealistic.

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