Page 65 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 65



             Look at the list of cities below. Which do you think has the largest population? Share your ideas
             with your partner.

              London          Jakarta
              Tokyo       Shanghai    Manila


            A:   I think London is number one, isn’t it?
            B:   I don’t think so. I think Shanghai is      Read the passage again and choose the best
                                                             answer A, B, or C.
               the biggest.
                                                          1.   The world’s population is ______.
             Read the passage below and check your           A.   growing slowly  B. staying the same
                                                             C.   growing quickly
             Read the passage again. Choose the correct   2.   Tokyo has ______ people.
             heading for each paragraph.                     A.   below 15 million
                                                             B.   around 15 million
          A.  Issues for everyone   C.  Problems for the poor  C.   much more than 15 million
                                                          3.   Problems in big cities aff ect ______.
          B.  Population explosion  D.  Which are the biggest?
                                                             A.   poor people   B. people who live in slums
          The rise of megacities!                            C.   everyone
                                                          4.   Some problem that poor people face in cities
          1.  ____________________________
                                                             include ______.
             Chances are, you are reading this article in a big
                                                             A.   traffi  c and air pollution
             city. Population growth is far faster than ever
                                                             B.   healthy problems and stress
             before and that is especially true in cities like
             Tokyo and Shanghai.                             C.   having no home or living in slums
          2.  ____________________________                5.   When air pollution is bad, people ______.
             People from the countryside move to cities to fi nd      A.   only go out at night
             work and a better standard of living. These cities      B.   don’t go out
             are so large they have been named megacities.   C.   move to smaller cities
             The largest is Tokyo, followed by Shanghai, Jakarta,
             and Manila. Some way behind is London, with a   Speaking
             relatively small 15 million  people.
                                                              Work in groups. Look at the places below and
          3.  ____________________________
                                                              discuss some possible disadvantages that
             However, life in cities is not always better.    people using them may have.  e.
             Homelessness is a big problem.  When people   1.   an overcrowded school
             do have homes, they are often in slums where
                                                          2.   an overcrowded bus
             disease and poor healthcare are problems.
                                                          3.   an overcrowded block of fl ats
          4.  ____________________________
                                                          Share your ideas with the class.
             Problems aff ect richer people too. Traffi  c blocks
                                                          These verbs and expressions can help.
             roads for hours in cities like Bangkok and Mexico
             City. Air pollution is so bad in some cities that      One disadvantage of ... is …
                                                             It’s  diffi  cult to …
             people do not want to go out.
                                                             It will be …
          64  Unit 12/An Overcrowded World
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