Page 49 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 49

                                             Writing simple slogans
                                             Writing simple slogans

             Look at the slogans. How are they used? Why are they important?y used? Why are they important?

                       *RLQJ RXW"                            6DYH HQHUJ\ WRGD\

                       7XUQ LW RII                         IRU D VDIHU WRPRUURZ

              Write simple slogans in groups about how to save energy.
              They may be accompanied by pictures.

                      7XUQ RII WKH 79 ZKHQ     7DNH VKRZHUV LQVWHDG          'RQuW OHDYH WKH
                       \RXuUH QRW ZDWFKLQJ           RI EDWKV               IULGJH GRRU RSHQ

          47   Unit 10/Sources of Energy
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