Page 48 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 48

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                                                             Complete the dialogue, using the future
                                                             continuous form of the verbs.
             Put the words into the correct groups.          Tom:  I’m going to go to university. Six years
                                                                  from now, I’ll be running a big company.
             biogas         polluting     solar
             expensive      clean         limited                 I expect I (1. earn) _____________ lots of
             exhaustible    dangerous     nuclear                 money.
             unlimited      cheap         hydro              Tony: I don’t know what I (2. do)___________.
             plentiful      harmful       available
                                                                  What about you Linda?  What  ______
           Sources of energy  Advantage(s)  Disadvantage(s)       you (3. do)____________, do you think?
                                                             Linda: I’m too lazy to do any work. I intend to
                                                                  marry someone rich. I (4. host) ________
                                                                  parties all the time. We’ll have robots
                                                                  that (5. do) ______________ all the work.
                                                                  And you’ll both get invitations.

             Complete the sentences using the verbs in
             brackets in the future continuous.           Communication

          1.  You’ll recognise her when you see her. She
             ______________ (wear) a green hat.
          2.  I’ll be on holiday this time next week. I _________
             (lie) on a beautiful beach.
          3.  At 10 o’clock tomorrow he _______________ (work)
             in his offi  ce.
          4.  I _______________ (study) in England next year.
          5.  They __________________ (build) their house this
             time next month.

             Change the following sentences into the
             passive voice.
          1.  People in Britain will spend a lot of money on
             heating next year.
             A lot of money will ___________________________.
          2.  People will use biogas for fuel in homes and for      Look at the pictures.   What should
             transport.                                       Work in groups and       you do to
                                                              answer the question. .  save energy?
             Biogas will __________________________________.
          3.  We will use renewable energy sources like
             wind and solar energy to solve the problem of   Finished! Now I can …
             pollution.                                    ●    name diff erent sources
             Renewable energy sources like wind and solar         of energy
                                                           ●    mark the stressed syllable in
             energy will __________________________________.  three-syllable words
          4.  We will reduce our use of electricity to save our   ●    use the future continuous
             energy.                                         tense and the future simple
             The use of electricity will _____________________.
                                                           ●    talk about the advantages
          5.  They will build a hydro power station in this area   and disadvantages of
                                                             diff erent sources of energy
             next year.
                                                           ●    write about how to save energy
             A hydro power station will ____________________.
          46   Unit 10/Sources of Energy
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