Page 47 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 47


          Listening                                          Complete the article. Use the phrases below.
                                                          A.   burning fossil fuels for energy
              Look at the picture. Discuss the following in
             pairs.                                       B.   leading to climate change
                                                          C.   investing in renewable energy
          1.  What do you think is
             unusual about this                           D.   because it can’t escape, it heats the planet
             means of transport?                          E.   heating our homes, cooking our meals, etc.
          2.  Have you seen any
             transport like this?                                 THE CHANGING CLIMATE
             Listen to the passage and tick ( ) true (T) or
                                                             We use energy for almost everything we do:
             false (F) to the statements.
                                                             for (1) _________________. This use of energy
                                              T   F          is (2) ______________ - the world is heating up.
                                                             When (3) ________________, carbon dioxide is
            1.  Non-renewable sources are being
                                                             released. Carbon dioxide traps the sun’s heat
               used up.
                                                             in the atmosphere and (4)  ______________.
            2.  Many poor people in developing               Over the past thirty years, there has been a
               countries have little electricity.
                                                             growing number of extreme weather events,
            3.  Biogas is a new source of energy             such as fl oods, droughts and storms.
               available for poor people.
                                                             We should protect our planet, by (5)
            4.  Biogas creates a lot of smoke.
                                                             ______________.  We should use sources of
            5.  The new energy source is not                 energy more wisely, for our future, and the
               costly.                                       future of the planet.

             Listen to the passage again and complete the      In pairs, discuss the following ways to save
             sentences.                                      energy. Decide on the fi ve most important
                                                             ways. Write them in the notebook.
          1.   People in ___________ areas have to gather
                                                          •   Use electricity more effi  ciently
             wood to use as fuel.
                                                          •   Reduce our electricity bills
          2.   Biogas is mainly used for __________.
                                                          •  Turn off  the lights before going to bed
          3. Biogas helps solve the problem of indoor     •   Use low energy light bulbs
             __________.                                  •   Use public transport
                                                          •   Increase the tax on petrol
          4.   The use of renewable energy sources in
                                                          •   Avoid using cars or motorbikes for short trips
             developing countries is __________.
                                                          •   Reduce the use of fossil fuels
          5.   In the future, the __________ will be used as the
             main environmentally friendly energy sources.           What should you do?

                                                             Write a short passage about what we should
                                                             do to save energy.



          45   Unit 10/Sources of Energy
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