Page 53 - Full Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 53
i, Read the letters. Why did Oliver Brown and Tracey Swift Worl< in pairs. Student A: Look at the first letter only and
write to Talkback Phones and Jewellery Online? answer questions 1-6. Student B: Lool< at the second letter
onty and answer questions 1-6.
1 What did the writer buy?
8 Cedar Avenue 2 Where did he/she buy it?
Cambridge CMr3 7TY 3 When did he/she buy it?
r4th JanuarY 4 What is the probtem with it?
Customer Services DePartment 5 Does he/she send it back?
Talkback Phones 6 What does he/she want the company to do?
London Er97PP
ffi Find out about your partner's letter. Asl< and
Dear Sir or Madam' ansWer the questions from exercise 2.
*,n*, to rePort rePur L
".o*:Il':Ij:1.":IT:t'B:t"lz8th December'
A , I am writing to ' ir-uttage on
bought from your shop t " r, ^.. r ,.., hn rel(e Read the writing strategy. Then circle examples of rules 1-4
Jougnt r,uur )vu' "---'
It works fine when' -1t ," calls, but when I tfy to take in the letters.
lt works tine wnett
' "':^;;;;;otos
,.p all very darkdark
-., ^ -L^l^c are all very
photos, it does not *ol:.*^ in rhem. d.:rr.t ,,::..ii,srr,,r:.,rr,t:ni.::i;;'1rr!r',,... . -.. .. ..]:l-iilai:lla,al:i;:::::.:.1::::
:HTI':;fi '"" ""' "r'n" ^-^-le lli.i. r,::.::.r:.::r::..ia:rrrii:...rr,tr,r,,t.,,,rrr*.'rillil$i*t:tit:1}ttt?ittXiii
I ilil;;;,,n" am returntng
nn"*'",',":ll::lT?5i";; Isend
C I t""'l]j;'";;r'O;pair the fault or A formal letter
would be grateful if 1 :^--+--,1 nnt having Ia 1 After writing your address, add the date in futt.
would be graLerur "
not having
'"- *iu rrnd".rtuttd,
me a'new phone' As you . , ^^ r -^,^,,1.1 aoorectate itrt 2 lf you do not know the name of the recipient, .
me a'new PlrurrE' ""
'"- rirrn, so I would appreciate
phone is ts exrrerrr<ry '"""i, i mmediately. start with Dear Sir or Madam, and finish with the :
if you could deal with th - f"rr"r expression Yo u rs fa ith fu lly. ',
:li. ;,,.", immediately.
I look forward to hearing from You 3 lf you l<now the recipient's name, start the letter with
Yours faithfullY the expression Dear Mr/Mrs X and finish with the
O/iv"r Broc'sn expression You rs si n cerely.
4 Write your full name.
Oliver Brown
5 Use expressions common for forma[ letters.
6 Do not use short forms.
z Clanfield Rd
Bradford BDrz 4FG Translate these phrases into your own [anguage.
jrd FebruarY zorz 7 I am writing to ...
I(eith Black 2 I am returning ... with this letter.
Jewellery Online
Manchester Ml fHJ 3 lwould be gratefulif you could ...
4 Could you please ...
Dear Mr Black, you.
I am writing to complain about a ring that I bought 5 I look forward to hearing from
your reference.
i;;""l:ffi* youriebsite, Jewellerv Online' It is the 6 I am enclosing ... for
first time I have bought iewellery from your company 7 lwould appreciate it if you could ...
and I must say, it has not been a positive experrence'
On vour website, the picture clearly showed a gold ring lmagine you have bought something fautty. Write a formal
;;;t ,io.,". srr, *hett it arrived' it was silver with letter of complaint (120-150 words) to the shop or website.
a green stone. This is simply not acceptable' Foltow rules 2-6 in exercise 4 and this writing plan:
I am enclosing the ring and a copy ofthe receipt for . lntroduction: Say what the item is, and where and
your reference' Could you please refund my money as when you bought it.
'roon u, possible? I am notlnterested in exchanging the . Main body: Exptain in detailwhat the probtem is.
ring because I have already found what I want on . Conclusion: TetI the company you are returning the item.
another website. Ask them to repair it, exchange it or refund your money.
I look forward to hearing from You'
Yours sincerelY
Tracel twift
Tracey Swift
Unit5 Shopping itl