Page 55 - Full Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 55
11,,l:This. pla celo ifelg:, a1n.a tlelna!iy€ iain11 a!s-,,.,.,
7 reqtrfi![llreU Match the activities with the types of :,, .for .d
holidays. Some activities match more than one holiday. ,T,h i:s:iis:ia: hot iday fu 1 p:9,ple,b| a ge s
:::be;iih:,hdtiday:,,, ',. ,.,,,,.. ,.t{el,(ki,ng:r r:,.,.,,,: 'r i,,r3,irlPeqple With thitdien, wilt,ll6l9nr1hii p166s.
,,:r41r Pqoplg \0holdronlt lirc,itayiiig in,,iin! pta..
. Spa:h:oliday,,,,t, . ::,:,r,,r,.:..S.unbqth.irlg:,r'r,"i::,
,,t,''ho:tiday, r..,.lrl: r.:t lr:::wim:mirng,r . l:r..ll,,': ,,,, , :r t,,
, i\^,alkingrholiiday 1.1r:,1r',,1::1 rpgfalgIi{i.r.r.$111111,.,,, rhis, holiday, r: I ,1: 1,1 tt11,, ;,.,.. ,,, ,, .
rr:irl:l:,rrr,.sightse!;in911,1.,,, r11. , r:5i ,Thi'sli!, a hotidaVrfot,peorptqr .\,.vhro fike,€Xoticr r ,,':i,:,
ri.:ei!r,,hQl|day ::rrr, r:
r:,11: l"i,r:r,rtl4!nds,,,r11,,,, r: ,., :,rsLiiioundinigs., - :,
II iir:::,rli ri€ilaXingir,iri::a:]6aUnia:,u: .r,, ir'rr I
:,] 5r Th]s':plaC€r roffelst'a wid€, rangerrof ,aativities,rfo i:,
rr tr.,teenagefS:, .,. r,
8 Wnicfr sort of hotiday would you til<e best? Why?
rrTir iThjs::de;1::15 16pp:e0pte.;v6f1[,:616'11'1,l1iyg f[6r6 :
9 oo the exam task. ,,: t, for,a::long, h,0t,idqy, ,,,r .,,,,, ,::l , :::1,,:,: t,: ,,i: I ,::,::i,.,
,,,Srrrr0nit,hi!:,h,olidray;,you,witl.nged,:to,,pat ,
fqr,,,,,,,,,,, . ,,
:l': .l.l',diinnei:iinr ill reStau rantr., :,,,.,r.',,,,,r:::,,,,:,,' : :
Read the hotiday adverts. Match the sentences (1-8)
with the holiday adverts (A-E). Write A, B, C, D and E
in the table. Each letter can be used more than once. Speaking
@ Relax on a remote tropicaI istandl Come to the reElffitrfififiI$ Work in pairs. Ask and answer
Maldives in the lndian 0cean. Enioy windsurfing on the questions.
the crystat-clear water. Eat under the palm trees while 1 Do you tike shopping? Why?/Why not?
[ool<ing at the beautifuI btue ocean. TraveI in January or 2 What sorts of thing do people comptain about in shops
February for under f1,000 per person. and restaurants?
3 Have you ever complained in a shop or restaurant,
E fry a summer holiday in the mountains. lf you enfoy or have you seen someone etse complaining? What was
watking, how about trel<l<ing in the French Atps? A guided
the complaint about?
walking hotiday is f 595 per person per weel< for groups
of four, stopping at a different typicat French hosteI every ffi Z.Zi Read the speal<ing exam task in exercise 13 and
night. lf you don't need a guide, it's f495. then listen to a student completing the tasl<. Does she get
E WhV not book a typicat famity beach hotiday this a refund? Why?/Why not?
summer? Book bed and breakfast accommodation with t2
a sea view in Sunnyside Hotet, Hope Cove, Devon. Family Sfi z.zS Listen again. Find one mistal<e in the student's
responses. What is the correct response?
rooms cost f1,20 a night. Hope Cove is a fishing viltage
with caf6s, shops and two beautifuI sandy beaches. t,
The kids witl love it! Now do the exam task.
@ fate a short hotiday in March in beautifulCounty
Kerry in lreland. Three nights in a double room in the
There is a problem with a pair of jeans you bought
luxury Kitlarney Hotel on Muckross Lal<e costs just f 700,
while on holiday and you have tal<en them bacl< to the
including dinner. And if the weather is bad, you can relax
shop. During a conversation with a salesperson, include
in the hotet's indoor swimming pool and sauna. Come
information about the fo[[owing points:
on - treat yourself!
r what you bought and when you bought the item
@ Come to The House, a multi-activity centre for o what the problem is
1,5-1,7 year-otds on the Norfotl< coast. You can tal<e part . your previous experience with a simitar item
in activities like rocl< ctimbing and paragliding, and o what you expect the shop to do
there are dance Iessons with parties and music in the
evenings. Learn something new and have fun!
Get Ready for your Exam 3 ,,,:.53,-'':t: