Page 88 - Full Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 88

ffi      What do you l<now about  Robin  Hood? Have you
           seen  any films about  him?
                                                                     When  compteting  a true/false listening  task, before
                                                                     listening  to the text, read the questions  to find out what
            6b :.::  Read the text quicldy, ignoring  the gaps,  and find:
                                                                     information  you need. Listen to the text very carefu[[y.
           1 the century in which  Robin Hood  probabty tived.
                                                                     Sometimes one word or expression can be the answer.
           2 the name of the king at that time.
           3 the name of the forestwhere Robin  Hood lived.
                                                                    6D e.e+ Read the exam strategy.  Listen  to three  people
           Read the text again and match  sentences a-e with gaps   tatl<ing about whether  it is ever OK to steal. Are the
           1-4. There  is one sentence that you do not need.        sentences  true or false?
           a Richard's  brother  John ruled England while he was away.  1 Kevin  thinks it's OK to steal in some  circumstances.
           b But it is the heroic figure in the legend  that we remember.  2 Kevin  thinks it's better to steal from a shop than a big
           c However,  he was also a great fighter.                   organisation.
           d ln fact, stories aboutthe  adventures ofRobin Hood  have  3 ,|itt's  friend thinks it's OK to stea[.
              existed for over six hundred years.                   4 Jitt thinks it's never OK to steat.
           e They atso robbed rich peopte  who were travelling  through
                                                                    5 A shop assistant once gave Andy the wrong change.
              the forest and gave the money to poor people.
                                                                    6 Andy feels bad about  underpaying in the restaurant.
           ltilitlilllIlit|  Match the highlighted words in the text with
                                                                    ffi      Worl<  in pairs. Do you think it's ever OK to steal?
           the definitions  below.                                  Give reasons  and examples.
            1 a very large group of soldiers
            2 facls that show that something  is true
            3 fought  (to do something);  had great  difficutty (doing
           4 a person  who leads  a country, and has power
            5 people who have committed  crimes, and are hiding
            6 something that is very unfair/wrong

                 It{oud,'i$:one,of th.  most popula. *r.d'irrtei.iilng
                  io,Eri'i   lklore,  and'his  storyis  quitewell
                  aclots,the  *orld.'ETl  There have been several
               S&4dgr,about:him;  including  three in Hollywood.
               whci.vl  es the; andiiiid he actually exist?   .

           In the thirteenth  century  the story goes, there was a
           brnveyoung man in Nottingham  who fought against
         }riii1i-{uoticewith  his band of outlaws. At that time, King
         ;::I,:Rieliard  and his armywere fighting in foreignl!4nds.
                John  was a mean  and cruel ruler,  and so was his.
          !:&end'the terrible Sheriff of Nottingham.  The Sheriff
            demanded money  from all the people who lived in the
               of Nottingham.  The poor had to pay large amounts,
             nd,struggled  to survive and feed their farnilies,

     86  Unit 9  Crime scene
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