Page 90 - Full Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 90

r,,riqi<  a'u lne plncircs  :-:.:sl i',he riiti+s  r:r lhe i'i.ritr l*yi:  lli:al-r ,,h* te;tt:, ag.,ain" iiiale ir trr:,i+ senieri(c;1  aittt't i.hq
           i.r\-:rl. ilirrtr uu",  i.,a11"q  rhin[", ti:e cl'!n'e; hr.r;e :l  (rln]rrii,l.rl-t           ll, a- l'i:l
                                                                    'high-lelci'r  e ri'ff1;:e[s'  ffitli  ,sjflrh  te,]{t. i,rtu':-if(€r
            ti,& :.:l  llr*aei"-[.]  i]ir!(!(i,l ltalch ther-n rr,,rtir  ttre  I  llr  rilri':iii'; i:i i-iie i..r-rr-riin.rl is ;: i'i:iti1.rr"jl.
           'xe  rels ;:;nel  ph:"ases  ;i-4'j.                      3  i'-le: i;:r :"rr. a,iueiti-sing  iil:lgii^rl,,,
            ,  .,:,Ll   -1                                          l;,  l-ie :cn'i lLrirli e[ri;:it,c iivhirh r:veic:^i'i"  iLri.':gal,
           il  .: rllipL,li*i  ir;t'r,:-!                           :i  rir: lrie':l ll  -.;ir.;i moile! f'lanr  l-hous;irr.-1:,  r.ii; i:etple
           .]:.-ttar'1                                              cr Hr dirl:'i;cti;ali1,rlr:rinii a :.rir-ne  .
           rr, iaerii'irj  ihrji'i                                  7  l-1e:':li:*:ioit  a lcl *f rntnr:1'l'ror  !r-!E per5on.
                                                                    ..  i-,  i,   .-. 1....,1111'   c   ^f   .  ..."-i'.,'.-
                   w     ffie  ffi
                   d     F.#   %                                                               emails  ever-y day
                   ffi    ffi tr E              the persr:n   '"l";ho   sent it used  the  :rrillton lunk      ,l'lany
                          & ffi
                                                                                     pecp!*  were very angrY wher-r theY
                                                rnt'*rmaiion  tc steai Sat'n's  ideniiiy
                   ffi                          and ap*n a n*ur'L:ank **caunt' Tlr*y  receirred enorrnous numi:ers *f
                                                 lhen rnc\led Satn's r-ncney into the  email ldvertisetnenrs,  nilt Wallace
            iti]  {mpy     (ffit                 n*\,A,, accoLlni,  took the nioneY cut,  hacln'i done anything illegal.   '14
            A rnaq was  lalied  for  {r:ur  Years  anci cir:seci  the aceou:lt. Sarn stiil  in 20il8,  w*aliace sent ernails to
                                                                                     rrriilicn  Facebr:ok  users" The emeils
            last week foi' caPving  thlusarids   doesn't kn,l'*ri  l,';hc   geni  the iake  direr:,teci  thern to oil'rer websites that
            r:{ debit cards. ThecgTot'l*s  de    erflffli.                           pard \ffallace  fo'' each visir  rnai
            Montfard was the leade:" of a gang   fail il rft e:t I     X mve         was itiegal  aneJ he v{as iold bV th3
            of cr,rnlnat$ wnc er"lrieo a speci':t  &*   rI^!:    ETt.v               coults to pay Facebook $7i1  nriliion^
             hiclden maCnin{: it :asti irlaChines  {,LJ   VUU
             at petrcl itahcns Tlie tinv rnachine  'l icve ycu' was *fi *mail n:*ssage
             copiecl the inf*rn-,ail'urr  irorn the  :hat  peo;le we,i:  rleiighteC  tc
             r1ei:it earcls that  pecple plit lnto ihe  recsive.  It was sent tc thmusailds
             ffrJCh:,:es.   gang  then "rrade    of people *ri the nnorning  of 4 MaY
             copies *f ihe cai"ds  and r;sed ihen':  2S00" But ii ccntalned  a vrrusl Wi:en
             io buir things !n shoi:s and  r:n the  tlrey op*neC th* emaii, ths';il"us   :
             lr:ternet.  They a!s* p'r;t the carris  weni to s'veryone  In their address   :
             into cash n":achines  and tofik ffi*nsy  i:roo[<,.  ll .ii-rrCkr!  slread alC'Un'l  ihc
             fri:nr  peapie's  barik acccr:nts"  i]*  worid. ar:c :auieC ierrii-'le da;ri1:lL'
             h,iantforei  had cr:picti 35,il**  ca;"rJs  la hundrecs ':t  crnrDirter  .q\'Sierrs'
             anri had stolen over  fl72a1,C0fi1   fuiosi  :ai"ge crgarilsaliGrg.   in;  Ljt'iilg
                                                                      had ta'llos* : '  -
                                                  the British C*vernment,
             EIi &re yGt$        rxhm             ;herl c,rrai; $VSl,e!r.iS L"r  i]ei  r;d of it.
              ymLi ssy ystj ar*f                  1*  Fii!trti, ro cor-npui er  pi'ogr3fl-lmel
             San"r Jenkir:s  lr,ras  asienishi:d  haC written the'-rirus.  The p*lice  ,   .'.,
             wiren sl-le ciiscnvened  thet li*r bank  Ar-re$'re,l  !1;tl. tu'.:1 a; i.nAt  f nre il
             acco,Jnt  was sn"ipty -iust  tvirl wecks  wasn't ;: *,"irn* ta vurite csmputor ,  .'t''.1',
              before,  ther* had been f15,000  in  .,iruses.  SC il'rey  -]A{.i  [0 !e; hlrr'  gO
              it. T'rr* bank  toici her that she had    e lick
              r:":orr*ri  ti:e rnaney  herself tc a new  -l-      rJri ne-''e
              aceount  rqith anather l:ank. A monih  l"'r;,k
              befcre, $am hacl receiv*d  an ernai!  Sanii:rcl  \f,,'ailrce  ls calieo tlre Sparr
              which askeel  her t* give  Persr:nal  (rng . Duritrc lhe   nP r!o'l a
              information suci: a* bank acccunt   comparly railed C'lrber Pron:*ticns,  i'1.,'
              cietaiis, Passta;*i"ds  and Ftl!    whrcn helped cih*i" canrp;tni*s  tn   ,',-',
              .nur:lbers.  She thcughi  the err.rail  aelveriise  theii pnoriuct: by *ri"raii'  , .,  ,,,1
              wa= fioir':  her hank, bui !t wasn't  *  l*ie di* this by senCing el)ot"ii 30   '::,:'':
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