Page 39 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1_Neat 1
P. 39

Speaking                                       Listening

           2  Talk  in  groups.  Prepare  a  one-minute   3a  Listen to the conversation and answer
               talk. Choose one of the following topics.      the questions.

                                                          1.   Where does Michelle live?
             1.   “The  girl  sitting  in  front  of  me  in  class   2.   Where does Mike live?
                keeps  playing  music  during  the  lesson.
                She uses earplugs but I feel distracted and   b  Listen again and complete the sentences.
                frustrated. What should I do?” Trung said.  1.   I feel like ______ here.
                Give Trung some advice.                   2.   And it seems kind of dangerous, especially ______.
                                                          3.   We live in an apartment ______.
                                                          4.   And  we  can  enjoy  all  kinds  of  ______:  cinemas,


                                                          4  Write  a  letter  to  your  pen  friend  about
                                                             your last visit to a craft village.
                                                             You can refer to the following:

             2.   If you could visit one city in the world, what   time/date of your visit
                city would you like to see? Explain why.
                                                                            people you went there with

                                                               the name of the village
                                                                                    the crafts it makes
                                                               what you saw there
                                                                             your impression of the visit

             3.   Imagine you are going to take a group of
               foreigners to a place of interest in your area.
               Where would you take them? Talk about the

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