Page 34 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1_Neat 1
P. 34


                                                          3  Give at least two examples for each of these
                                                             sets of skills.
                                                                                   2.  Emotion
           1   Put yourself in these teens’ shoes. Choose the   1. Cognitive skills  control skills
              TWO best words to describe your feelings in   __________________     __________________
              the following situations.                     __________________     __________________
                                                            __________________     __________________
           1.  You won an essay contest.
              (excited/delighted/tense)                     3.  Social skills      4.  Self-care skills
                                                            __________________     __________________
                                                            __________________     __________________
           2.  Your parents                                                        __________________
              misunderstood you.
              (calm/frustrated/                              5.  Housekeeping skills
              upset)                                         _______________________
           3.  You stayed up late                            _______________________
              studying for an                                _______________________
              important exam.
              stressed)                                   4  Rewrite the following in reported speech.

           4.  You are left out                           1.  ‘I’m really stressed out! I’ve had three sleepless
              by friends. You                                nights thinking about my exam.’
              can’t concentrate                           2.  ‘I can’t concentrate! It’s too noisy in here.’
              on your studies.
              (confi dent/                                3.  ‘She was very upset at fi rst but she’s fi ne now.’
              worried/tense)                              4.  ‘I  don’t  think  taking  risks  too  often  is  a  good
              Last week you had a
           5.  Last week you had a
              presentation in class and                   5.  ‘He’ll  take  a  cooking  class  before  he  goes  to
              you think it was very bad.                     college.’
              you think it was very bad.
              (disappointed/delighted/                    6.  ‘I really wish I could make informed decisions!’
                                                          5  Rewrite the underlined phrases in the
                                                             following text, using question words +
               Your closest friend is
           6.  Your closest friend is                        to-infi nitives.
              moving to another
              city. (emotional/                              In our Life Skills lesson last week, our class had
              depressed/                                     a visit from a Fire Safety Offi  cer, and this is what
                                                             he told us: ‘Today I’m going to tell you (1) what
                                                             you  should  do  in  case  of  fi re.  If  there  is  a  fi re,
           2  Use the following prompts to say something Use the following prompts to say something   keep calm. Be sure you know (2) where you can
              to the students in 1.                          fi nd the nearest exit or stairway. Do not use the
           1 →  congratulate, encourage                      lift. Before you leave, close all the doors behind
                                                             you. You should know (3) how you could activate
           2 →  empathise, advise
                                                             the fi re alarm, and then shout ‘fi re’. You should
           3 →  empathise, advise                            know (4) what number you should call to report
           4 →  empathise, advise                            the fi re and ask for help. In Viet Nam, it's number
           5 →  assure, encourage                            114. The number is toll-free and you can call it any
                                                             time from either a mobile or a landline without
           6 →  empathise                                    dealing area codes.’

           34   Unit 3/ Teen Stress and Pressure
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