Page 29 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1_Neat 1
P. 29

REMEMBER!                                          A CLOSER LOOK 2
              Normally the verb be is unstressed in the
              middle or at the start of a sentence for a  Reported speech: review
              statement or question.
              Example:                                    1  Read  the  conversation  in  GETTING  STARTED
                 She was stressed.                           again.  Underline  the  reported  speech. Then
                 Are you worried about something?            rewrite in direct speech what Mai said to her
                                                             brother Phuc and to her parents.
              However, the verb be is stressed in negative
              questions and at the end of sentences.        Mai:  ‘I’m too tired and ______________________.’
                 - Aren’t you coming?                       Mai:  ‘I want ________________________________.’
                 - Yes, I am.                               Mai’s parents:   ‘Design ______________________.’
              Also, it is stressed for emphasis or contrast.
                 - She isn’t coming?                      2  Rewrite the following sentences in reported
                 -  She is coming, but she’ll be a           speech.
                  little late.
                                                          1.  ‘We will visit you this week,’ my parents told me.
                                                          2.  Our teacher asked us, ‘What are you most worried
           5  Listen  to  the  recording  and  practise  saying   about?’
              the sentences. Pay attention to the way the   3.  ‘I’m  so  delighted.  I’ve  just  received  a  surprise
              verb be is pronounced.                         birthday present from my sister,’ Phuong told me.
           1.  - Where are you? You aren’t at the bus stop.  4.  ‘Kate  can  keep  calm  even  when  she  has  lots  of
              - I am at the bus stop, but I can’t see you.   pressure,’ Tom said.
           2.  - Are you busy right now?                  5.  ‘I  got  a  very  high  score  in  my  last  test,  Mum,’
                 - Yes, I am. Sorry, could you wait for a minute?  she said.
           3.   - Is Ronia in?                            6.  ‘Do  you  sleep  at  least  eight  hours  a  day?’  the
                 - No, she’s out ice-skating.                doctor asked him.
                - But it’s so cold!                       Question words before to-infi nitives
                 - It is. But she’s got all her warm clothes on.
           4.  - Wasn’t Bill disappointed about the exam result?  We  can  use  question  words  who,  what,  where,
              - He was. But he was hiding it well.          when,  how  before  a  to-infi nitive  to  express  a
                                                            situation that it is diffi  cult or uncertain.
           6  Look  at  the  following  sentences  and      Example:
              underline the verb forms of be which should         We don’t know who we should contact.
              be  stressed. Then  listen  to  the  recording  to   → We don’t know who to contact.
              check and practise.

           1.   -  You  aren’t  worried  about  the  exam?  Good  for
               you!                                           Look out!
                 - I am worried! But I try not to show it.    The question word why cannot be used
           2.   - Do you think Jack is good at Japanese?      before a to-infi nitive.
                 - He is. But he’s a bit shy to speak it.
           3.   - Isn’t badminton her favourite sport?
                 - Yes, it is.                              We often use the verbs ask, wonder, (not) be sure,
           4.   - Who’s he?                                 have  no  idea,  (not)  know,  (not)  decide,  (not)  tell
           5.   - Sorry - we’re late!                       before the question word + to-infi nitive.
                 - Actually, you aren’t. We haven’t started yet.  Example:    I have no idea where to get this
           6.   - Is she happy at the new school?                   information.
                 - Yes, she is. She likes it a lot.

           29   Unit 3/ Teen Stress and Pressure
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