Page 24 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1_Neat 1
P. 24


           Vocabulary                                     3 Complete  each  sentence  with  the  word
                                                             given,  using  comparison.  Include  any  other
           1  Complete  the  word  webs  with  nouns  and    necessary words.
              adjectives connected with the city.
                                                          1.  The last exhibition was not ______ this one. INTERESTING
                                                          2.  This city is developing  ______ in the region.
                                                          3.  Let’s take this road. It is  ______ way to the city.

                                                          4.   I  was  disappointed  as  the  fi lm  was    ______ than
                              Nouns                         I had expected.              ENTERTAINING
                                                          5.  You’re not a safe driver! You should drive  ______.

                                                          4  Complete  each  space  with  a  phrasal  verb
                                                             from the list. Change the form of the verb if
                                                                cheer up             get over
                                                                 turn back           find out
                                                                 turn down           go on

                                                          1.   She  ______ his invitation to the party and now
                                                             he’s really upset.
                           Adjectives                     2.   What’s ______ in the street over there? Open the
                                                          3.   Lots of fruit and vegetables will help you ______
                                                             your cold.
                                                          4.   My brother was ______ with a trip to the zoo.
                                                          5.   The road was jammed, so we had to ______ and
           2 Put one word from the box in each gap.          fi nd an alternative route.
                                                          6.   I have ______ about a fabulous place where we
             noisy      full     crowded            bored    can go for a picnic this weekend.
             fabulous   urban         fascinating
                                                          5  Rewrite each sentence so that it has a similar
                                                             meaning and contains the word in capitals.
           A big city is full of life. City life is more modern and
          (1) ______ than elsewhere. It is usually very busy and   1.   Don’t  leave  the  lights  on  when  you   OFF
          (2) ______, even at night.                         leave the classroom.
           Life in a big city starts early in the morning. Soon the
          roads  are  (3)  ______  of  vehicles.  School  children  in   2.   Mai  spent  her  childhood  in  a  small   UP
          their uniforms can be seen on the pavement, walking   town in the south.
          or waiting for buses. People rush to work. With every      _______________________________________
          passing  hour,  the  traffi  c  goes  on  increasing.  The   3.  Kathy  checked  the  restaurant  on  her   LOOKED
          shops and the market places remain (4) ______ till the   mobile phone.
          evening hours.                                     _______________________________________
           Certainly (5) ______ life has certain charms. It off ers   4.  My  grandmother  has  recovered  from   GOT
          great  opportunities  and  challenges,  especially  for   her operation.
          the young. There are lots of things to do, and facilities      _______________________________________
          are  well  developed. There  are  (6)  ______  places  for   5.   We  are  really  expecting  to  see  you
          amusement and recreation. One never feels (7) ______   again with pleasure.          LOOK
          in a city.                                         _______________________________________

           24   Unit 2/ City Life
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