Page 25 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1_Neat 1
P. 25


           6  Work  in  two  teams.  The  fi rst  team  gives   Finished! Now I can…
              the name of a city or town in Viet Nam. The   ●   use the lexical items related to city life
              other  team  says  any  man-made  or  natural   ●   identify in which situations to stress
              attractions that it is famous for. Then switch.   pronouns in sentences and say these
              The team with the most items wins.          sentences correctly
                                                         ●   use adjectives, and comparison of
               Team 1: Hai Duong City.                    adjectives and adverbs correctly
               Team 2:     Well,  it  is  famous  for  its  green   ●   use common phrasal verbs correctly and
                       bean cakes.                       ●   read for specifi c information about the
                            Team 2: Da Nang City.        ●   talk about important features of a city
                                                          features of cities
                Team 1:      It  has  fabulous  Ngu  Hanh  Son   ●   listen for specifi c information about some
                       (Marble Mountains)…                problems of city life
                                                         ●   write a paragraph about the
                                                          disadvantages/drawbacks of city life

             PROJECT                                          In a town or city, you can see a lot of notices.
                                                              A notice should attract the reader's attention
                                                              and  send  a  message  in  just  a  few  words.
                                                               writing or type, or to put the heading in
                 riting interesting notices                   It may be effective to use different sizes of
                                                               colour. Above all, the notice must be easy
           1  Put  the  items  in  these  scrambled  notices  in   to understand.
              the correct order, starting with the heading
              in capitals.                                2  Delete  the  words  which  are  unnecessary
                                                             in these notices, and make change(s) where
                A                                            appropriate.
                   Classes as normal tomorrow
                   Groups 9B + 9D to Gym
                   QUIET PLEASE
                   Exams in progress                             VENDING MACHINE
                                                                  The soup has run out.
                B                                                 For tea and coff  ee, the machine is only
                  Town Hall every evening                         accepting 10p and 50p coins.
                  Ring Dylan on 42564039                          There are no more canned drinks.
                                                                  The  technician  has  been  called  and
                  Offered by native teachers
                  ENGLISH CONVERSATION LESSONS                    the machine will be repaired soon.
                  Language exchange also a possibility

                                                          3  In 20 – 30 words, write a notice for one of the
           Where are you most likely to fi nd these notices?  following situations.
                                                          1.   You  are  organising  a  seminar  for  teenage  girls
               Watch out!                                    about  city  life.  Write  a  notice  to  put  on  the
               Notices are usually very short and snappy.    noticeboard,  giving  some  details  about  time,
               You  can  use  short  sentences,  initials,  and   place, and content of the seminar.
               abbreviations. If the meaning is clear, you   2.   You  are  a  travel  agent.  You  are  organising  a
               can  also  omit  pronouns  and,  in  certain   one-day  trip  around  your  city/town  for
               cases, auxiliary verbs:                       foreigners.  Write  a  notice  to  put  at  the  travel
               Example: Street cleaning next weekend

           25   Unit 2/ City Life
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