Page 22 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1_Neat 1
P. 22
However, some other organisations and
1 Work in pairs. What features are important
to you in a city? Put the following in order individuals would like to add other factors to
1–8 (1 is the most important). the index. They say that a city’s green space,
transport safety urban sprawl, natural features, cultural
attractions, convenience, and pollution should
education cost of living be added to the list.
climate entertainment
culture convenience 3 Read the passage again and answer the
2 Read the passage quickly and fi nd the questions.
information to fi ll the blanks. 1. What factors are used by the EIU to rank the
1. The name of the organisation doing the survey: world’s cities?
______________________________________________ 2. Where were some famous cities on the list?
2. The year of the survey: ________________________ 3. Why were Dhaka, Tripoli, and Douala ranked
3. The names of the best city and the worst cities: among the worst cities?
______________________________________________ 4. Which was the most ‘liveable’ city in Asia?
5. What are some factors that should be added to
the index?
4 a Work in groups of fi ve or six. Conduct a
survey to rank your own town/city or a town/
city you know. Give from 10 points (the best)
to 1 point (the worst) to each factor.
Ask each student in your group the question:
Which is the best city in the world to live How many points do you give to factor 1 – safety?
in? Every year, the Economist Intelligence
Unit (EIU) conducts a fascinating survey to ____________________________________________
determine which cities around the world Then write the points in the table.
“provide the best or worst living conditions”.
It uses factors such as climate, transport, Factors Points given Total points
education, safety, and recreational facilities in St A St B St C St D St E
cities. It gives scores for each, and ranks the 1. safety
cities in order – from the best to the worst. 2. transport
For the year 2014, the top 10 cities came from 3. education
Australia, Canada, Europe, and New Zealand. 4. climate
Melbourne in Australia had the highest
score, which means it is the most ‘liveable’ 5. culture
city. Some famous cities came in the top 20, 6. facilities
such as Tokyo (19 ) and Paris (17 ). Perhaps 7. entertainment
surprisingly, Osaka (13 ) had the best score 8. natural features
in Asia.
9. urban sprawl
Cities with major confl icts tended to score the
lowest. In these countries, living conditions 10. pollution control
were the most diffi cult or dangerous.
Among the worst cities on the list were b Work out the fi nal result of your group.
Dhaka in Bangladesh, Tripoli in Libya, and Then present it to the class. Is your group’s
result the same or diff erent from that of other
Douala in Cameroon.
22 Unit 2/ City Life