Page 23 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1_Neat 1
P. 23


                                                          4  Read the paragraph and complete the outline
           1  Does your city, or the one nearest to you, have   below.
              any of these drawbacks?                        Living in a city
                                                             has  a  number
           -   urban sprawl        -   air pollution         of  drawbacks.
           -   noise               -   bad weather           Firstly,  there  is
           -   high cost of living   -   crime               the  problem  of
           -   traffi  c jams        -   overcrowding          traffi  c  jams  and
                                                             traffi  c  accidents.
                                                             The  increase  in
                                                             population and the
                                                             increasing number of vehicles have caused many
                                                             accidents  to  happen  every  day.  Secondly,  air
                                                             pollution negatively aff ects people’s health, and
                                                             it also has a bad infl uence on the environment.
                                                             More  and  more  city  dwellers  suff er  from
                                                             coughing  or  breathing  problems.  Thirdly,  the
                                                             city  is  noisy,  even  at  night.  Noise  pollution
           2  Listen  and  write  the  missing  word  in  each   comes  from  the  traffi  c  and  from  construction
              gap.                                           sites. Buildings are always being knocked down
                                                             and rebuilt. These factors contribute to making
           1.   “Some  ______  have  problems  with  pollution,
               crime,  or  bad  weather  –  here  we  have  traffi  c   city life more diffi  cult for its residents.
           2.   Before going to the ______, she has to take her       Outline
               children to school.
           3.   In the evening the ______ is even worse.              Topic sentence: ______
           4.   Now  so  many  people  have  a  car,  and  there
               aren’t enough  ______ in the city.

                                                          Problem 1: ______  Problem 2: ______  Problem 3: ______
           3  Listen again and choose the correct answer.
           1.   What is the most serious problem in Bangkok?             Conclusion: ____________
              A. Pollution    B. Bad weather  C. Traffi  c jams
           2.  How does Suzanne go to work?
              A. By car   B. By Skytrain   C. By metro    5  Choose one item from the list in1. Make an

           3.  How long does it take Suzanne to go to work   outline, and then write a paragraph on one of
               every day?                                    the topics.
              A. Two hours  B. Five hours   C. Half an hour  Writing tip
           4.  In the evening the traffi  c is ______.        Remember to organise your ideas to make your
              A. better   B. worse      C. the same         paragraph clearer:
           5.  Why is traffi  c so bad in Bangkok?            - Firstly …
              A. People move around by boat.                - Secondly … /Next …
              B. There aren’t enough roads.                 - Thirdly … /Lastly … /Finally …
                                                            - In conclusion … /To conclude …
              C. There isn’t a Skytrain or metro.

           23   Unit 2/ City Life
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