Page 27 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1_Neat 1
P. 27

a  Find the OPPOSITE of the following words in   1.   Thu  had  been  studying
              the conversation.                              very  hard  for  the  exam,
                                                             but  she  still  felt  ______.
           1.  to go to bed early                            Now that she has done well in
           2.   to be relaxed                                the exam she is feeling much
           3.   bad exam results                             more ______.
           4.   to make someone happy
           5.   to work continuously                      2.   My mother is a strong person.
           6.   to have no plans                             She  stays  ______  even  in  the
                                                             worst situations.
           b  Choose the best answer.                     3.   Linh  is  feeling  a  bit  ______

           1.  Why  is  Mai  not  playing  badminton  with  Phuc,   about  her  study.  She’s  failed
              Nick, and Amelie?                              the exam once again!
              A.  She doesn’t like playing badminton.
              B.   She is late.                           4.  I think taking a speech class
              C.  She wants to stay at home.                 is a good idea if you want to
           2.   Why is Mai working very hard for the exam?   be more ______.
              A.  She failed the last exam.               5.   Emma is feeling so ______ with
              B.   She wants her parents to be proud of her.   her fashionable new hairstyle.
              C.  She wants to compete with her classmates.
           3.   How is Mai feeling now?
              A.  Confi dent and tired                    6.  Phuc,  Nick,  and  Amelie  feel
              B.   Tense and disappointed                    ______. They want to help Mai
              C.  Tired and stressed                         but don’t know what they can
                                                             do for her.
           4.   What do Mai’s parents want her to be?
              A.  A medical doctor
              B.   A designer                               REMEMBER!
              C.  A musician
                                                            Many adjectives of emotions and feelings are
           5.   What does Mai want to be?                   formed from the -ed form of verbs: excited,
              A.  A medical doctor                          relaxed, frustrated, etc. Can you
              B.   A designer                               fi nd more examples?
              C.  A musician
           6.   What are Phuc, Nick, and Amelie trying to do?
              A.    Understand  Mai’s  situation  and  help  her  feel   3  Match the statements with the functions.
                 better.                                    give advice to someone         encourage someone
              B.   Make Mai feel left out.                  empathise with someone     assure someone
              C.    Find  somebody  else  to  replace  Mai  for  the
                 badminton.                               1.  ‘Go on! I know you can do it!’

           c   What do you think Amelie means when she    2.  ‘If I were you, I would (get some sleep).’
              says, ‘Sometimes I wish my parents could put   3.  ‘You must have been really disappointed.’
              themselves in my shoes’?                    4.  ‘Stay calm. Everything will be alright.’
                                                          5.  ‘I understand how you feel.’
           2  Fill  the  gaps  with  the  words  in  the  box.   6.  ‘Well done! You did a really great job!’
              In  some  cases  more  than  one  word  may  be
              suitable.                                   4  How do you feel today?

             tense                          frustrated   delighted      Work  in  pairs. Tell  your  friend  how  you  feel
             confi dent                  relaxed   worried   today and what has happened that made you
             depressed          calm       stressed                      feel  that  way.  Your  friend  responds  to  you,
                                                             using one statement from the box in 3.

           27   Unit 3/ Teen Stress and Pressure
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