Page 31 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1_Neat 1
P. 31

COMMUNICATION                                   Extra vocabulary

                                                            cognitive           emotions      concentrate
           Life skills for teens                            self-discipline  resolve confl ict   risk taking

           1  Read  about  the  necessary  life  skills  for
              teenagers  in  the  United  States.  Match  the
              skills to their category.                                A
                                                                       ●   recognise and control your
                        1.  Social skills                              ●  cope with negative emotions

                 2.  Cognitive skills                                   ●   have planning and
                                                                          organisational skills
                                                                        ●   concentrate and be
              3.  Housekeeping skills

                                                                       ●    cooperate with others and
             4.  Emotion control skills                                  resolve confl  icts
                                                                       ●    have communication skills

                  5.   Self-care skills                               D
                                                                      ●    prepare food, do laundry and
                                E                                       chores at home
                                ●    develop healthy habits           ●  manage a small budget
                                ●     know how to act and where to    ●  learn about basic car operation
                                  get help in emergencies
                                ●    understand the boundaries of
                                  risk taking

           2  Discuss:
                                                          4  Look  at  the  list  of  life  skills  for  teens  that
              Do  we  teenagers  in  Viet  Nam  need  all  or   your class has developed.
              some of these skills? Why/Why not?

           3  In groups, work out a similar list of skills that   Which skills do you already have?
              Vietnamese  teens  should  have  today.  Add
              or remove categories and skills as you wish
              and  remember  to  support  your  decisions       Which  skills  do  you  need  to
              with  examples  and  explanations.  Present       develop?
              your list along with other groups and make
              a common list for the whole class.

                                                             Share what you think with a partner.

           31   Unit 3/ Teen Stress and Pressure
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