Page 30 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1_Neat 1
P. 30

3  Rewrite the sentences using question words   4  Rewrite the following questions in reported
              + to-infi nitives.                              speech,  using  question  words  before
                                                             to-infi nitives.
           1.   I don’t know what I should wear!
           →_________________________________________________.     Tip:    You  may  use  the  following  verbs:
           2.   Could you tell me where I should sign my name?     ask,  wonder,  (not)  be  sure,  have
                                                                   no  idea,  (not)  know,  (not)  decide,
           →_________________________________________________.     (not) tell.
           3.   I have no idea when we should leave for the bus.
                                                          1.  ‘How should we use this support service?’ they
           4.   We’re  not  sure  where  we  should  hang  the
              painting.                                      wondered.
                                                          2.  ‘Who should I turn to for help?’ he asked.
                                                          3.  ‘Mum, when should I turn off  the oven?’ Mai asked
           5.   He wondered how he could tell this news to his   her mother.
              parents.                                    4.  ‘Where should we park our bikes?’ asked Phong
           →_________________________________________________.  and Minh.
                                                          5.  ‘Should we call her now?’ he asked.
           6.   They can’t decide who should go fi rst.
                                                          6.  ‘What should we do to make Linh feel happier?’
           →_________________________________________________.  they wondered.

           Reported questions with question words before  5  GAME
           to-infi nitives.
                                                            SOMETHING ABOUT OUR TEACHER…

             Question  words  before  to-infi nitives  can  be      Decide  as  a  whole  class  fi ve  questions  you
             used to report questions about something that   want to ask about the teacher. Then the class
             should be done.                                 divides  into  two  groups:  one  group  stays
                                                             inside the class and the other goes outside.
             Example:   ‘What should I do?’ she said.        The teacher will tell each group the answers
                      →                                      to  the  questions.  The  class  gets  together
                      → She wondered what to do. She wondered what to do.
                                                             again and in pairs you must report on what
                                                             the teacher has told you.

              Look out!

              To report Yes/No questions we use whether
              before to-infi nitive. Remember if cannot be
              used in this case.                                     Our teacher said she had a
              Example:                                               dog called ‘To Be’ at home.
                 ‘Should I tell my parents what I really think?’
                 she wondered.
              →   She wondered whether to tell her parents
                                                                           No, our teacher said
                 what she really thought.                                  No, our teacher said
                                                                           she had a cat called
                                                                           she had a cat called
                                                                            ‘To Be’ at home.

           30   Unit 3/ Teen Stress and Pressure
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