Page 28 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1_Neat 1
P. 28


                                                           C.  ‘I must get the highest score
           Vocabulary                                         in this exam. I must be the
                                                              best student in the class!’
           1  Complete the paragraph with the words in the
              box. There is one word that you don't need.
                                                                           D.  ‘I feel worried when I have to wait
             independence    informed       shape and height                 for the bus in that neighbourhood
             embarrassed           delighted       self-aware                after  my  evening  class.  It’s  so
             reasoning skills                                                quiet and dark there.’

              Adolescence  is  the  period  between  childhood   E.  ‘I have this big assignment
              and  young  adulthood.  Your  body  will  change   to  complete  and  I  don’t
              in (1)______. Your brain will grow and you’ll have   know  where  to  start.  It’s
              improved  self-control  and  (2)______.  Physical   too difficult!’
              changes are diff erent for everyone, so you don’t
              need to feel (3)______ or frustrated!                          F.  ‘Why does he make me do all
              You’ll  experience  emotional  changes  as  well.                of his homework? It’s not fair.
              You’ll  feel  you  want  more  (4)______  and                    And he says if I don’t do it,
              responsibility. You may become more (5)______,                   he’ll make my life difficult.’
              and  care  about  other  people’s  opinions,
              especially those of your friends. But remember   3   Which  of  the  following  can  be  done  in  the
              you’ll need adult support and guidance to make   above  situations?  Discuss  with  your  partner.
              (6)______ decisions and overcome stress.       (More than one solution can be suitable for one
           2  Match the source of stress and pressure to the
              expression.                                                                        4.
                                                               1.                               Talk to
                                                           Take a break,                       someone
                 1.   school pressures and frustrations   then you will feel then you will feel   Break a   3.   about this and/
                                                           ready to start
                 2.   physical changes                        again.    large task   Focus on   or ask them for
                 3.    unsafe living environment                        into smaller   your strong
                 4.   problems with classmates at school                  tasks.
                 5.   negative feelings about themselves
                 6.   having too high expectations

                                                          4  Have you ever been in any of these situations?
                                                             If so, what did you do to deal with them?
              A.  ‘I’ll never be good
                at maths. I’m just                        Pronunciation
                too stupid!’                              Stress on the verb be in sentences

                                                          Listen  again  to  what  Amelie  said  in  GETTING
                                                          STARTED.  Notice  the  way  she  pronounced  the
                               B.  ‘I  hate  my  voice.  It’s  high   verb be in the sentence.
                                  one  minute,  low  the  next,
                                  then  high  again!  What’s  the
                                  matter with it? AND the girls      ‘Hi Phuc! Where’s Mai?
                                  are making fun of me! I’m so       Isn’t she coming?’

           28   Unit 3/ Teen Stress and Pressure
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