Page 21 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1_Neat 1
P. 21

COMMUNICATION                                  3 Read the information about these cities and try

                                                             to fi nd them on a map.
           City life                                      Vung Tau

           1a  Which  of  the  following  features  do  you   Location: Southeast
                like  best  about  a  city?  Choose  three  from    Viet Nam
                this list.                                Main features:
           1.  It is busy and exciting.                   - long beach
           2.  It is cosmopolitan.                        - mountains
           3.  It has a lot of fashionable shops.         - quiet and clean
           4.   It is cultural. There are cinemas, theatres, galleries,   Attractions:
              and museums.                                - temples and pagodas
           5.  It is convenient. There is a good transport system.  - old lighthouse (built 1907)
           6.  There are good cafes and restaurants.      - Worldwide Arms Museum
           7.  There are a lot of parks and open space.   New York City
           8.  There are famous buildings and fascinating   Location: Northeastern USA
                                                          Main features:
                                                          -  fashion and fi nancial centre
           b Work  in  groups.  Discuss  your  choices.  Give   -  skyscrapers
              reasons.                                    -  cosmopolitan

              I  like  a  busy  and  exciting  city  with  good   Attractions:
              transport, so I can get around and see all   -  Statue of Liberty
              the cultural attractions it has to offer …  -  Central Park
                                                          -  museums and galleries

           2                                              Melbourne
           2 Read the passage and, in your group, answer Read the passage and, in your group, answer
              the questions below.                        Location: Southeast Australia
                                                          Main features:
              Singapore is a small city-state in Southeast Asia.   - multicultural
              It  is  a  lovely  place  to  visit. The  attractions  are   -   large number of international
              quite close to each other, so travelling between   students
              them is convenient. The food here is varied – all   - world’s largest tram network
              kinds of Asian food. The outdoor food markets   Attractions:
              are fun and aff ordable. You order your food, and   - Melbourne Museum
              it is cooked right before you. Then you go and   - Queen Victoria Market
              eat it at a table outside. It’s a great way to meet   - Melbourne Aquarium
              people. But what I like most about Singapore is
              that it is multicultural – Chinese, Malay, Indian,   4 Write a short paragraph (80–100 words)
                               European,  and Vietnamese.    about one of the cities above. You can refer
                                For  me,  that’s  the  best   to the passage in 2 as a guide.
                                thing about Singapore.

                                                          5  Work in groups. Talk about the city you chose.
                                    What  is  the  best
                        attraction in Singapore, according       The  city  I‛d  like  to  visit  most  is
                 to the writer? Would you like to go there?      New York. There are many things
                                                                 to see and to do there. You can …

           21   Unit 2/ City Life
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