Page 71 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1_Neat 1
P. 71

Grammar                                        Everyday English

           4  Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D     6  Complete the conversation with A-D.
               to complete the sentences.

           1.   There  will  be  a  lot  of  work  to  do  in  this    A  the street food vendors
              preservation project. I ______ forming a team of   B.   I wish I could return next year
              A. suggesting      B. suggest                  C.   I’ve been there twice
                                                             D.   Did you try cao lau and banh vac
              C. suggest that    D. to suggest
           2.   ______ that the most-visited place in Hue is the
              Royal Citadel.                                Veronica:    Where did you go for your summer
              A. It reports      B. People are reported              holiday, Lan?
              C. It is           D. It is reported          Lan:      We went to Hoi An.
           3.   It’s not easy ______ the origin of that ballad.  Veronica:    Ah, the small ancient town in Quang
                                                                     Nam. (1) ______.
              A. trace back       B. to trace back          Lan:      Have you? I love it.
              C. tracing back    D. that to trace back
                                                            Veronica:    I  do  too.  I  love  the  way  the  locals
           4.   We are all certain that these Roman ruins ______     preserve the traditions: the colourful
              well preserved.                                        Chinese  lanterns,  (2)  ______,  the
              A. should          B. is                               open markets…
              C. should be       D. to be                   Lan:         Yes, and the relaxing trips on a boat
           5.  It  is  said  that  Edinburgh  ______  the  most      at  night,  with  an  oil  lamp  at  the
              historic city in Great Britain.                        front.
              A. are           B. to be   C. be              D. is  Veronica:   Yeah… (3) ______?
           6.   Many  scientists  suggest  that  the  government   Lan:         Sure  we  did.  They  are  said  to  be
              ______ strict laws to control deforestation.           Hoi An’s specialities.
              A. applied         B. applying                Veronica:    When I was there, I rented a bike and
              C. should apply    D. applies                          cycled  to  many  places  of  interest.
                                                                     I met and talked to the locals, took
           5  Complete the wishes for the situations.                pictures of the countryside and the
           1.   My  friend  Veronica  is  now  participating  in  an    Lan:        Wow, I didn’t know about the bike
              international summer camp in Brazil. I’d love to       rentals. (4) ______.
              be with her.
           →  I wish _________________________________________.
           2.   The  traditional  markets  in  my  town  have  been
              replaced with supermarkets. I really miss them.
           →  I wish _________________________________________.
           3.   Nha Trang is said to be a very friendly tourist city,
              but I’ve never been to it.
           →  I wish _________________________________________.
           4.   My  sister  suggests  that  I  should  learn  ceramic
              painting. I’d love to but I don’t have time for it.
           →  I wish _________________________________________.
           5.   It’s a beautiful day, and I’m at home writing an
              essay. How boring!
           →  I wish _________________________________________.

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