Page 73 - Speak_Now_1_SB_Neat
P. 73
3 I Language Booster
A Notice the different ways we ask about and describe needs.
We need some
What do we need to get?
What else do we need? We need to get some onions.
onions? Yes, we need some juice.
Do we need any tomatoes? No, we don't need any
Do we need anything else? No, we don't need anything else.
... B PAIR WORK Look at the shopping list. Take turns asking about and describing needs.
A;. Do we need any salt? Shopping Ust:
B: Yes, we need co gee some sale. Do we need any eggs? salt tomatoes
A: No, we don't need any eggs. Do we need ... ? eggs mffi
eete flour
41 Pronunciation Reduction of what do
co2 fa A Listen and practice. Notice how what do is sometimes pronounced /whada!.
/whada/ /whada/
1. What do we need? 2. What do we need co buy?
... B PAIR WORK Ask three different what do- questions. Pay attention to the pronunciation of what do.
" "
... A PAIR WORK Plan a dinner menu for a small party. First, decide what you want to make.
Let's make spaghetti and meatballs.
Great idea. How about a salad, too?
... B PAIR WORK Discuss what you have and what you need.
Yes. we need some meat.