Page 41 - American English File Student Book 3A_Neat
P. 41
3 P R O N U N C IA T IO N &
silent consonants, linking
a Each o f the words in the list has a silent
consonant or consonants. W ith a partner,
cross out the silent letters.
b Read the text again. Match the highlighted phrases shoigld talk wrong listen half dishonest
with their meaning. Two of the phrases match the knowledge design whole rhythm doubt
foreign calm island
same meaning.
A You don’t need to do this. It isn't necessary. b 2 46))) Listen and check.
B Don’t do this. It isn’t allowed / permitted.
C It’s necessary or required to do this. c 2 47))) Listen and repeat the sentences.
Try to copy the rhythm and to link the
D It’s a good idea to do this.
marked words.
c >• p.139 Grammar Bank 4B. Learn more about must,
have to, and should, and practice them. 1 You must t u r n j j f f your p h o n e ^ rc iti
p la n e .
2 You shouidj)nly call himjrLan^
4 Respect quiet zones
You must not use your phone in quiet zones on trains or in 3 we h a v e to leavQ _?upleven.
hotels. That is the reason why they exist. 4 y o u m u s t n o t j) p e n j) t h e r p e o p le ’s^
5 Never shout e m a ils .
Your phone is not a megaphone. You don’t have to shout. 5 You s h o u ld n ’f j t a l k lo u d ly or\^ c e ll
And don’t shout because you think reception is poor. It p h o n e .
won’t make any difference.
6 People with you deserve m ore attention d Read the definition o f manners. Then
than those at the end o f a phone make sentences using should / shouldn’t for
Wherever possible, turn off your phone in social situations som ething that you think is a question o f
and at mealtimes, or put it on vibrate. If you have to keep manners, and with must / must not / have to
your phone on because you are expecting an important call, for som ething that is a law or rule.
apologize in advance. manners pi noun a way ofbehaving that is
considered acceptable in your country or culture
7 Don’t continue on with phone conversations
when you are in the middle o f something else
■ turn off your phone in a theater
This is especially true if you are in banks, stores, etc. It is
■ talk loudly on your phone in public
insulting not to give the people who are serving you your
full attention. ■ send text messages when you are
8 Think about where you are calling from
■ reply to a message on your phone
Don’t make (or receive) calls in inappropriate places. Put
while you are talking to somebody
your phone on vibrate in meetings, movies, etc. If you
must take a call in the car, use a hands-free set.
■ play noisy games on a phone in public
Adapted from D ebrett's M odern Manners
■ use your phone at a gas station
■ video people on your phone without
their permission
■ set your phone to silent mode on a train
■ send or receive texts at the movies
■ turn off your phone on a plane during
take-off and landing
Online Practice ■ 4B 39