Page 43 - American English File Student Book 3A_Neat
P. 43

          5   LIS TE N IN G                                       6   S P E A K IN G

           a   2  48)))  Listen to Caroline Halloran, who             In groups, talk about each thing in the Good Manners? questionnaire.
              is dating Jason Win, talking about the                  Do you think it’s good manners, bad manners, or not important /
              differences between Burmese manners and                 not necessary. Why?
              American manners. What was their problem
                                                                      I think it's very rude to criticize the
              when they first met? How have they managed
                                                                      food if you are in somebody’s house.
              to solve their differences about manners?

           b  Listen again and mark the sentences T  (true)                I think it depends. It’s OK if you know the person
              or F (false).                                                 very well or if it’s a member of your family...

               1  Jason thought Caroline was rude when she
                 asked him to hang out with her.
                                                                  7   2 49))) SONG You Can’t Hurry Love Jl
               2  In Burma it's OK to spend time alone with
                 someone at the beginning of a romantic
               3  Burmese culture is not as open as American
                 culture is.
              4  Jason wrote long responses to Caroline’s
                 Facebook romantic posts.
               5  Caroline wants Jason to stop bragging about
                 their relationship to his friends and family.
               6  Jason sometimes gets confused about good
                 and bad manners in the US.
               7  Caroline and Jason don't argue about
                                                                         WHEN YOU ARE INVITED TO
                 manners anymore.
                                                                         SOMEBODY’S HOUSE...
           c  What would people from your country do in
                                                                           ]  criticize the food (e.g., if it is too
              these situations?                                              cold, salty, etc.)
                                                                           ]  take a present
                                                                           j  write an email to say thank you
                                                                           ]  arrive more than ten minutes late
                                                                             for lunch or dinner

            WHEN GREETING PEOPLE...                                      WHEN YOU ARE HAVING A

               I  use more formal language                               MEAL WITH FRIENDS IN A
                when speaking to an                                      RESTAURANT...
                 older person
                                                                           ]  leave your cell phone on silent on
            □   kiss a woman on the
                                                                             the table in front of you
                cheek when you meet her
                for the first time                                         1  answer or send a text or message
                                                                           1  make a phone call
               ]  use your partner's
                 parents' first names

             MEN AND WOMEN-                                              ON SOCIAL NETWORKING
            A MAN’S ROLE...                                              SITES...
                                                                           ]  post a private message or
              1  pay for the meal on a
                first date                                                   conversation on an Internet site
                                                                           ]  post an embarrassing photo
            □   wait for a woman to go
                                                                             or video clip of a friend without
                through the door first
                                                                             asking his or her permission
            □   accompany a
                woman home                                                 ]  post all the details of your break­
                                                                             up with a partner

                                                                                                                Online Practice        4B     41
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