Page 131 - bt Tieng Anh 8 Bui Van Vinh
P. 131

               b. Các thay đổi ở trạng từ không gian và thời gian:

                          Trực tiếp                       Gián tiếp

                          This                            That
                          That                            That
                          These                           Those

                          Here                            There
                          Now                             Then
                          Today                           That day

                          Ago                             Before
                          Tomorrow                        The next day / the following day

                          The day after tomorrow          In two days‟ time / two days after
                          Yesterday                       The day before / the previous day
                          The day before yesterday        Two day before
                          Next week                       The following week

                          Last week                       The previous week / the week before
                          Last year                       The previous year / the year before

               * Trực tiếp: She said: “I saw the school-boy here in this room today ”

               Gián tiếp: She said that she had seen the school-boy there in that room that day.
               * Trực tiếp: She said: “I will read these letters now!‟
               Gián tiếp: She said that she would read those letters then.

               Ngoài quy tắc chung trên đây, người học cần nhớ rằng tình huống thật và thời gian khi hành động
               được thuật lại đóng vai trò rất quan trọng trong khi chuyển từ lời nói trực tiếp sang lời nói gián

                                                PART 2: EXERCISE

               A. PHONETICS
               I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
               1.  A. ranked             B. gained            C. prepared           D. proved

               2.  A. host               B. honor             C. hockey             D. horror
               3.  A. badminton          B. swallow           C. challenge          D. ballet

               4.  A. teammate           B. reading           C. creating           D. seaside
               5.  A. athlete            B. author            C. length             D. southern
               6.  A. touch              B. foul              C. account            D. mount

               7.  A. lose               B. vote              C. control            D. social
               8.  A. rear               B. bear              C. gear               D. year
               9.  A. please             B. peace             C. seat               D. spread

               10. A. overlooks          B. beliefs           C. towards            D. rights

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