Page 136 - bt Tieng Anh 8 Bui Van Vinh
P. 136

               3.  In  the  first  place,  television/  help  people  in  the  ways  of  communicating/  each  other  and
               entertaining their life. Thanks/ the appearance TV, people can keep/ with up-to-date/ the world.

               4.  What our/ be if we do not have a TV at home. Because TV is a cheap/ available tool/ provide us
               daily information.
               5.  Also, watching TV is a valuable kind of entertainment that/ help people relax after working
               hard or suffering/ a busy life. Last but not least, TV has changed husband‟s behavior in connecting/
               each other.

               6.  Beside of good advantages of TV, watching TV may cause some disorders in health/ working
               time/ well.
               7.  Some people spend long hours in/ of a TV set, they may neglect then work or duty in taking
               care/ their family members. And young people may work less effectively/ addicted to watching TV
               lead to passiveness and laziness.
               8.  In conclusion, everything/ have two sides and TV is optional. It is obvious that TV/ benefit our
               life in making people become friendly and close. I totally agree that TV is a great invention and
               we/ have to be aware/ its good points by using it suitably.










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