Page 11 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 11

8 ©O 1.3 Read the information, then listen and                  Sil             Look at the picture below for one minute.
                                                                   O                        questions about these things with
                   repeat the words.                                                        Cover the picture, then ask and answer

                 A , an and the are normally not stressed.                                  your partner.
                 They have 'weak' vowel sounds.
                                                                                     apple banana brown bag blue book
                 a =/o/                           a concert                          bottle of water cat computer guitar
                 before a consonant sound         a postcard                         jacket lamp red bag red pen phone
                                                                                     purse television tennis racket white book
                 an =/on/                         an actor
                 before a vowel sound             an exam
                                                                                     is there ciuv a-p-ple?
                                                  the market                                                  yes, there is a ÿ Apple.
                 the =/do/                                                                                    The crpple is oia, the table.
                                                  the radio
                 before a consonant sound                                            No, there isvÿft         is there a baiÿiÿa?
                                                  the university
                                                                                    a baÿaÿa.
                 the = /di/                       the airport
                 before a vowel sound             the umbrella

                ©O 1.4 Tick (ÿ) the correct sound. Listen and
                   check. Then listen and repeat.

                ÿ  - new coat                  5 -amazing gÿme
                  /o/ 0 /on/ ÿ                    /o/ O /on/ ÿ

                1 _easy question               6 _important
                  lo! ÿ /an/ ÿ                    point
                                                  Ida/ ÿ /di/ ÿ
                2 _first prize
                  /do/ ÿ /di/ ÿ                        small problem
                                                  /o/ O /on/ [J
                3 _brilliant film
                  /o/ ÿ /on/ ÿ                 8 _usual song
                                                  /6o/ O /di/ o
                4 _old school
                  /do/ ÿ /di/ ÿ

           10 Circle the correct word.
                                        '  '
                ÿ 'I'd like a / the drink . Water or juice?'
                1 There are some books and a magazine.'                     «12 O 1.5 Number the sentences from 1 to 6.
                   'C an I read a / the magazine? '                               Then listen and check.
                2 My dad is an / the engineer.
                                                                                             On the desk is a computer and next
                3 The fridge is in a / the kitchen.
                                                                                             to it is a lamp.
                4  Can I borrow a / the pen?' 'Yes. Would you like
                   blue or black?'
                                                                                             There is a big bedroom and a small
                5 'Is there a / the computer in your classroom?'
                   No, there isn't.'
                6 'Can I have a / the banana?' 'Sorry.That banana
                                                                                  c - The computer has a webcam.
                   is for your dad.'
                7 'I'm reading a new book.' 'What is a / the book                 d i My house has got two bedrooms.
                   about? '
                8 'Where is a / the car?' 'It's over there.'
                                                                                  e _ I use the webcam when I talk to my
                9 'How long is the journey?' 'An /The hour and                               cousin in Australia.
                   fifteen minutes.'
               10 I don't know an / the answer to this question.                  f _ The small bedroom belongs to me
                                                                                             and it has got a small bed, a desk and
                                                                                             a wardrobe.

                                                                                                                              Unit 1 9
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