Page 16 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 16

12 O 2.4 Complete the dialogue with the words in                   14 Say a sentence using an indefinite
                the box. Then listen and check.                                             pronoun. Your partner guesses if it s
                   anything anywhere everyone everythin ,                                   true or false.
                   nothing someone something somewhere                                  sovueone tfv my family has greei-v eyes.

                May    Hi, Jill. How was your holiday? Did you go
                                                                                          i thli-Ue that's false, i don't thli>Ue
                       fluujwkere nice?
                                                                                          anyone In your family has Qreevÿ eyes.
                Jill   Yes, we went to Fethiye in Turkey.

                May    How was it?
                Jill   ' _was perfect. The weather was                          " There's nothing in my -pocteet.
                       brilliant, the people were friendly and the
                       hotel was nice.
                                                                                       I thlfUe that's true. "There's nothing in,
                May    Did you do   2 .      interesting?                              your -pocket.
                Jill   At the start of the week we were really tired,
                       so we did 3_We just sat by the pool.
                       Then4_told us that we could hire a                     15 Circle the correct option.
                       boat, so we went sailing every day.
                                                                                     Everyone was / were very tired.
                May    That sounds lovely. And what was the food
                                                                                     I saw anybody / somebody famous yesterday.
                                                                                     There's / There are nothing in the cupboard.
                Jill   It was great. My favourite was5_                              She ate a / some bread and cheese.
                       called Pilis Dolma. You make it with chicken                  We went something / somewhere very
                       and spices. It was delicious.                                 interesting.

                May                                                                  They didn't find / found nothing under the chair.
                                                                                     He's funny. Anyone / Everyone likes him.
                Jill   Yes. We all loved it. But I don't think we'll
                       go back. My parents prefer to go7_                            Can I have any / some salt, please?
                       different every year.                                      8 Don't phone anyone / anything after 10 p.m.
                                                                                  9 Everything is / are very expensive.
           13      W Write a letter about a bad holid                            10  I've /1 haven't got no money!
                       So did f_enjoy the holiday?ay. Use the
                    / phrases below, with indefinite pronouns.
                         Invent other information.

                         _ was terrible

                           was unfriendly

                                                                                       Self-evaluation Rate your progress.
                  stayed           old and uncomfortable
                                                                                                                             u u u
                   didn't do           exciting

                   there was          interesting to visit

                   didn't meet           nice

                   ate         bad

                           etA-joyed It

                   I was oia. holiday last weete. sverything was

          14 some and any; indefinite pronouns
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