Page 14 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 14

3 Write the second sentence so that it means the                   6 O 2.1 Complete the dialogue with some, any, a,          O
                same as the first. Use no.                                        an, or no. Then listen and check.
                ÿ There isn't any salt in my pasta.                               Mum:     We've got some friends coming here for

                                                                                           dinner tonight.
                   There's no salt in my pasta. _
                1 He hasn't got any equipment.                                    Oscar:   Would you like '_help?
                                                                                  Mum:     Yes, please. I'm making spaghetti but
                2 There weren't any buses yesterday.                                       there's2_pasta in the cupboard.

                                                                                  Oscar:   OK. I'll go to the supermarket and buy
                3 There isn't any water in the pool.                                       3 _spaghetti. Do we need 4_
                                                                                           other food?
                4 We haven't got any time for shopping.
                                                                                  Mum:     Let's think. I've got®_       meat,
                                                                                                     tomatoes and        - onion.
                5 I haven't got any minutes on my phone.
                                                                                           So we don't need 8_          more food.
                                                                                           But we haven't got           _  drinks.
            4 Circle the correct option.                                          Oscar:   OK. I'll get  10      juice. What type would
                                                                                           you like?
                ÿ I need to go to the shops. We've / We haven't
                                                                                                     _type of juice. I don't mind.
                   got any bread.                                                 Mum:     Get1,  ._
                1 'Which film should we watch?'                                   Oscar:   OK. I'm going to Fred's house first and then
                   You can / can't choose any DVD. I don't mind.'
                   '                                                                       I'll  go to the supermarket.
                2 You can / can't have any sandwich.They all cost                 Mum:     There's,2_time to go to Fred's house.
                   the same.                                                               I need those things immediately.
                3 I can't make a cake.There are / aren't any eggs.                Oscar:   OK.
                4 He's very unhealthy. He eats / doesn't eat any
                   vegetables.                                                              Work in pairs. Read the instructions and
                5 'Where can I get that book?'                                              write a dialogue. Use some, any, a and an.
                   'I t's easy. You can / can't buy it in any bookshop.'                    Act out the dialogue with your partner.
                6 There's / There isn't any time to have breakfast.
                                                                                  Student A:    Say you're making dinner.
                   You're late for school.
                7 She's got / She hasn't got any interest in football,            Student B: Offer to help.
                   but she likes basketball.                                      Student A:    Ask student B to go to the shop and
                8 Ask / Don't ask me any question and I will answer it.                         buy food.
                                                                                  Student B: Ask student A what they need.
                  JT Complete the sentences with the words in                     Student A: Say you have meat, peppers and
                        the box. Use a, an, any, some or no at least                                                 ,
                                                                                                onions but you don t have carrots or
                   apple cheese coffee soup eggs                                  Student B*. Say you will get carrots and rice; ask if
                   homework information jacket money                                            student A has drinks.
                   knives plates trainers sugar
                                                                                  Student A:    Say you haven't got cola; ask student B

                ÿ Can I have some information about train times?                                to buy cola.
                1 Have you got_to wear for the tennis lesson?                     Student B:    Say you will buy cola.
                2 There are-and forks on the table.
                3 We haven't got_so we can't buy the tickets.                        I ' m making dinner now.
                4 'Is there         in your lunchbox?"Yes, a nice red

                   juicy one.'                                                                       Would you. titee some hel-p?
                5 Shall I make you_          sandwiches ?
                6 Are there_? I want to make an omelette.
                7 There's_in this drink. It's healthy.
                8 Would you like_     _for lunch? It,s cold today.
                9 Have you got_           ? You have school
               10 Put on_It's raining.

          12 some and any; indefinite pronouns
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