Page 160 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 160
Un'ts 29-30 Exam preparat'on
Read'ng and wr't'ng
What 's the s'tuat'on? Match p'ctures 1 -5 w'th Read the sentences about p'ast'c. Choose the
sentences A-H. You don't need to use a'' the correct 'etter A, B or C to comp'ete the sentences.
ÿ The f'rst type of p'ast'c was 'n 1856.
A 'nvent B 'nvented C 'nvent'ng
1 't was created_A'exander Parkes.
A by B w'th C of
2 't_Parkes'ne.
A ca''ed B was ca'' C was ca''ed
3 More types of p'ast'c_produced between
1865 and 1927.
A are B 's C were
4 'n 1927 po'yam'de_d'scovered by sc'ent'sts.
A 's B was C were
5 Po'yam'de 's a'so_as'ny'on'.
A know B known C knew
6 ,n 1939 the f,rst ny,on c,othes_
A are so,d B so,d C were so,d
7 They were_by m,,,,ons of ord,nary peop,e.
A buyed B bought C buy,ng
8 Now, thousands of products are made_
A of B by C at
3 Read part of an ema,, from your Eng,,sh fr,end.
Wr,te a rep,y to your fr,end about an exc,t,ng day
you had.
, wanted to te,, you about my exc,t,ng day ,ast
week. , won a pr,ze ,n a wr,t,ng compet,t,on,
and the pr,ze was a tr,p to a cast,e! , was taken
, n a tax, w,th my mum and dad. Some other
pr,ze w,nners were ,nv,ted too. We were g,ven
a tour of the cast,e, and then a de,,c,ous ,unch
was cooked for us ,n the restaurant. But the
best th,ng was that our stor,es were pub,,shed
, n a magaz,ne.
A Toby made pasta with tomato sauce.
B English is spoken there.
C Pasta is made from flour and water.
D The climber was found by a dog.
E Everything was eaten.
F She spoke to them in English.
G The men found a dog in the country.
H Max ate a lot.
158 Revision 9 Exam preparation