Page 163 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 163

3 Choose the correct letter A, B or C to answer each
                                                                                  3 Is that a new book? _
                ÿ Have you seen the film yet?
                                                                                     A No. It's written three years ago.
                   A Yes, I did.
                                                                                     B Yes. It was wrote recently.
                   B No, I haven't.
                                                                                     C No. It was written in 2003.
                   C Yes, I've seen.
                                                                                  4 Whose are those trainers? _
                1 When are you going on holiday? _
                                                                                     A They're Mary's.
                   A Last week.
                                                                                     B They're her's.
                   B At the summer
                                                                                     C They're Mary.
                   C In July.
                                                                                  5 How often do you play football? -
                2 I d like some butter, please. _
                                                                                     A No, I don't.
                   A I'm sorry. We haven't got some.
                                                                                     B I don't never play football.
                   B How much would you like?
                                                                                     C I play it twice a week.
                   C There are some over there.

                Read the text below and choose the correct letter A, B
                or C for each space.

                                                                                  ÿ A come               B  came          C coming
                   Surf School
                                                                                  1 A which              B where          C that
                   '                                                '
                   I ve just back from Endless Summer Camp. It s a
                                                                                  2 A do                 B did            C done
                   camp in California,_you learn to surf.
                                                                                  3 A stand              B to stand       C stood
                   Every day, we had surfing classes in small groups.
                                                                                  4 A At                 B In             C On
                   I d never2   _ it before but by the end of the week,
                                                                                  5 A mine               B                C the
                   I could3_up on the board and surf some small                                             my
                   waves. It was cool.                                            6 A served             B  was serve     C was served
                                                                                  7 A as                 B than           C of
                   _the evening, I played table tennis and chatted
                   with5_new friends. I also had fantastic food. All the          8 A most exciting      B  the more exciting
                   meals were included and lunch f_on the beach!                     C the most exciting
                                                                                  9 A earn               B earned         C will earn
                   Endless isn't as cheap'_other surf camps. I had to
                   get a job to pay for it. But it was®_holiday I ve ever
                   had. If 19_enough money next year, I'll definitely
                   go back.

            5 What does David say to Paul? Match 1-7 with A-H.
                You don't need to use all the letters.

                David:   I m going to the park. Do you want to come               A Yes. I got a terrible mark.
                         with me?                                                 B In five minutes.
                Paul:     c
                                                                                  C No, I'm sorry. I can't.
                David: Why not?
                                                                                  D To talk about my maths exam
                Paul:    i
                David:   What does he want?                                       E Don't worry. My mum's going to collect me at
                Paul:    2                                                           five o'clock.
                David:   Did you do badly?                                        F Yes, it was. Mr Brown said it was the worst in
                Paul:    3                                                           the class.
                David:   It wasn't as bad as Peter's, was it?
                                                                                  G Because I have to see Mr Brown.
                Paul:    4
                                                                                  H An hour.
                David: When do you have to be there?
                Paul:    s
                David:   How long will it take?
                Paul:    6
                David:   If it was less time, I'd wait.
                Paul:    7

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