Page 36 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 36

;í14 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the
                verbs. Use the present simple or present continuous.
                Kate Do you revendotr (remember) my friend,                       Polly              she          (learn) Chinese?
                                                                                  Kate     Yes. She'.         (go) to Chinese classes
                Polly Yes. She,_(live) in Spain, doesn't she?                              every day after school. She ,°_
                Kate Normally, but at the moment she2_                                     (understand) a lot, but speaking is more
                         (live) in China.                                                  difficult. In fact, she,,_(think) about
                                                                                           studying Chinese at university, when she
                Polly Why is she in China?
                                                                                           goes back to Spain.
                Kate Her parents3_(spend) a year there.
                                                                                  Polly    What about the food?12_she_
                         They4_(teach) at a university.
                                                                                           (like) it?
                Polly 5_she_(like) it?
                                                                                  Kate     Yes, she "3_(love) it. Spanish people
                Kate At first it was difficult but now she
                                                                                           like seafood and 114_         (think) Chinese
                          _(enjoy) it. She'_(say) it's                                     people eat a lot of seafood too.
                         very different from Europe.

           15 Complete the text using the correct form of the               n6       W Write a short personal profile. Describe
                                                                            *           '
                verbs in brackets.                                                    Z  your routine. Then imagine you are on
                                                                                           holiday this week. Write about your

                                                                                  i i-vom-cflitw c\tt at sev/eiA. o ciociz
                                                                                             O  -  .

                                                                                  7ftls weete  I'm, vtsuttiAÿ ...

                                                                                Self-evaluation Rate your progress.
                 Katy Dixon is a famous scientist. She works at a
                 university in London. She is a vulcanologist.That                         -             -  -         u u u
                 means that she,_(study) the science of
                 volcanoes. She2_(spend) most of the time
                 at the university. She3_(do) experiments
                 in a laboratory, and she also 4_(teach)
                 students. But sometimes she5_(travel)
                 to interesting places in the world andf_
                 (explore) real volcanoes.

                 This week, Katy7_(visit) South America.
                 She®_(make) a programme for television.
                 Today they'_(film) an 'active' volcano.
                 Active volcanoes sometimes 'Q_(erupt),
                 so she has to be careful. At the moment, Katy
                 1 1
                   _(sit) at the top of the volcano and
                 ' 2
                   _(talk) about lava. She ,3_(have)
                 a fantastic time. She '4_        (think) it is the
                 best job in the world!

          34 Present simple and continuous
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