Page 33 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 33

Write the present simple he/she/it form of     O                  Rewrite each present simple sentence as
                these verbs.                                                      affirmative (ÿ), negative (x) or question (?).
                ÿ carry carries                8 like                             ÿ My dad repairs old cars.

                1 cost                         9 pass                                                                     old cars.
                                                                                     x Muj dad doesn't repair _
                2 clean                       10 play                             1 Do your parents speak English?
                3 dance                       11 talk
                                                                                     ÿ   _English.
                                              12 teach
                4 eat
                                                                                  2 Sarah studies geography.
                5 fry                         13 try
                                              14 use                                 ?                              geography?
                6 go                                                                 .  .
                                              15 wash
                7 have                                                            3 Does Richard live in London?
                                              16 worry
                                                                                     x _in London.
            2 ©O 6.1 Listen to the final sounds in the present                    4 Mr Baker doesn't watch the news on TV.
                simple verbs from exercise 1. What do you hear?              '       ÿ _the news on TV.
                Write the verb form in the correct column.
                                                                                  5 Those children don't do enough homework.

                  + /zJ              + /s/              + /IZ/                       ? _enough homework?
                 carries            costs              dances                     6 My brother drinks fruit juice at breakfast.
                                                                                     x _fruit juice at

                                                                               5 Complete the sentences with the correct form
                                                                                  of the verbs in brackets.

            3 ©6.2 Complete the text with the present simple                      ÿ t>o ijpu li\ze              this food?
                form of the verbs in brackets. Then listen and
                check your answers.                                 O             1                             that person's name.
                Daisy    T>Q             you share a bedroom?                        (l/not know)

                Anna     Yes, L         _(l/do). I share with my                  2                             tea or coffee?
                Daisy    2                 (you/mind) sharing?                    3                             cold weather.
                Anna     There's one big problem. We
                         3                                                        4                             the question.
                          _(not/go) to the same
                         school. So my sister4_(get) up                              (he/not understand)
                         at half past six and®_(catch) a                          5                             he's funny?
                         bus at quarter past seven.That                              (you/think)
                          _(wake) me up, but I                                    6                             anvthina else.
                          _(not/get) up until half past                              Thank you. (we/r\ot need)
                         seven. 18_(walk) to school and
                                                                                  7                             this chocolate cake.
                         it only9_(take) ten minutes.
                Daisy    Are there any other problems?
                                                                                  8                             the address?
                Anna     Well, my sister,°_(not/tidy)                                (you/remember)
                         the room.'1_(she/leave) her
                                                                                  9                             some new shoes.
                         clothes on the floor.That,2_
                         (make) me angry.
                                                                                 10                             that book?
                Daisy    ,3 _(she/do) anything else
                Anna     She sometimes,*_(watch)
                         loud music videos on her laptop. I
                           _(not/like) that.
                         , 5
                Daisy    16                 (you/do) anything
                Anna     Me? No. I'm perfect.

                                                                                                                              Unit 6 31
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