Page 29 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 29

Units 1-5                                                  Exam preparation

            Reading and writing

                Choose the correct letter A, B or C to complete the
                ÿ I'd like _cheese, please.                                       6 She's very shy. She doesn't talk to_
                   A much B some C a                                                 A anyone B no one C everyone
                1 I can't find_coat.                                              7 We can't play football. There_people.
                   A me B my C mine                                                  A are enough B aren't enough C is too much
                2 _some beautiful flowers in the park.                            8 Your T-shirt is nice, but_looks horrible.
                   A There's B They are C There are                                  A her B my C his
                3 We need a few_                                                  9 There's lots of_in the kitchen.
                   A strawberries B bread C information                              A people B fruit C cupboards
                4 Ronny wants to become_                                         10 Wool comes from_
                   A footballer B a footballer C the footballer                      A sheep B sheeps C the sheep
                5 Did you enjoy_film yesterday?
                   A this B that C these

            2 Choose the correct letter A, B or C to answer each               3 What does Ed say to Theo? Match a letter (A-H)
                question.                                                         to 1 -5. You don't need to use all the letters.
                ÿ Do you eat fish? b>                                             Theo     Are you OK?
                                                                                  Ed       ÿ c
                   A Yes. I eat everyone.
                                                                                  Theo     What is it?
                   B Yes. I eat everything.
                                                                                  Ed       i
                   C Yes. I eat everywhere.
                                                                                  Theo     Would you like to borrow mine?
                1 Do you know Fred's sister? _                                    Ed       2
                                                                                  Theo     1 don't think he's got his boots at school.
                   A Yes. She's very nice.
                                                                                  Ed       3
                   B No. What's his name?
                                                                                  Theo     You could ask Peter or Ben.
                   C No. I don't know him.
                                                                                  Ed       4
                                                                                  Theo     OK. When do you need them?
                2 Have you got any milk? _
                                                                                  Ed       5
                   A No. I haven't got some.                                      Theo     There isn't enough time!
                   B Yes. I've got a lot of.
                   C Yes. I've got a little.                                      A Your feet are too big. But I think your brother's
                                                                                     boots are the right size.
                3 Is that your mum's car? _
                                                                                  B I don't know them very well. Can you ask them?
                   A No. It's my dads'car.
                   B No. It isn't hers.                                           C No. I've got a problem.
                   C Yes. It's his.
                                                                                  D Tomorrow morning.
                4 Can I have a sandwich? _                                        E I can't find my football boots.

                   A No. I m sorry. There  ' s too much bread.                    F The lesson starts in ten minutes!
                   B No. I'm sorry.There's enough bread.
                                                                                  G I haven't got your boots.
                   C No. I'm sorry. There isn't enough bread.
                                                                                  H Oh. Has anyone else got football boots?
                5 Did you see anyone at the park?  _
                   A No. I didn't see no one.
                   B Yes. I saw one people.
                   C Yes. I saw a few children.

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