Page 26 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 26

Demonstratives and possessives

                     can use demonstratives and possessives to describe and identify nouns.

          Demonstrative Pronouns; one and ones

                                                                              We use this and these for things that are near us.
                                                                              This jacket isn't the right size.

                                                                              We use that and those for things that are not near us.
                 I doifis't tlúfvte this
                                                                              That jacket over there is a nice colour!
                 o*>e Is the right size        Why dovJt you try
                                              that ovÿt over there?           We can also use this and these for things that are
                                                                              happening now.
                                                                              I ' m enjoying this film.

                                                                              We can also use that and those for things that aren't
                                                                              near in time.
                                                                              I didn't understand those questions in maths yesterday.

                                                                              We can use demonstrative pronouns without nouns.
                                                                              '  '                               '
                                                                              I  m looking for some new shoes.'  Try these.'
                                                                              There's a yellow sports car outside your house.'
                                                                              That belongs to my uncle.'
                                                                              We can use one or ones so that we don't repeat
                                                                              a noun. We often use it with a demonstrative pronoun
                                                                              or an adjective.
                                                                               Wouldyou like a sandwich?' 'Yes. I'd like that one.'
                                                                              /H ow much are the jeans?' 'The black ones or the
                                                                              blue ones?'

                                                                              We can ask the question Which one(s)...?
                                                                              Can I try the T-shirt?' 'Which one?' 'The red one.'

             1 Complete the sentences with this, that, these
           *                                                                   2 O 5.1 Complete the sentences with a word from
                                                                   O                                                                     O
                or those.                                                         the box and one or ones. Then listen and check.
                ÿ -mat film was great. I really enjoyed it.                          big black old red that this those
                1          is my bike over there.
                                                                                  ÿ This book is interesting but that one            over
                2 iAre you enjoying your dinner?' 'Yes_                                                                     _
                                                                                     there is cheaper.
                   food is delicious.'
                3 'Where are_boys?' 'I can't see them now.'                       1 The blue shirt is OK but I prefer the
                4 _chips here are for you.
                5 Do you remember_day at the beach                                2 'Do you want these sweets?' 'No. I want
                   last year?
                6 'Why are you wearing_            gloves? My hands               3 I don't want a small cup. I'd like a_
                                                           '  "
                   are cold. '                                                    4 Which horse is faster? The white one or the
                7 I'm trying to do my homework, but I don't                          _                ?
                   understand_question.                                           5 The new chairs at school are really
                                                   '  '
                8           are my grandparents. Hello. Nice to                      uncomfortable. I prefer the_
                             '                                                    6 'Which is your bike?''_here.'
                   meet you.

          24 Demonstratives and possessives
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