Page 25 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 25

          *1 0 Complete the sentences with there, it, they and                11 Correct the words in bold.
                is, are, was or were.                                             ÿ We were late. My dad drove we to the station.

                ÿ 7here are                   a lot of mountains in                   us
                   Nepal, iheij are     _          the highest in                 1 Sally's mum is a doctor. He works at the hospital.
                   the world.

                1                             a football match on TV              2 What's the time? - Is three o'clock.
                   yesterday.                 _very exciting.                     3 Your brother is funny. I like her. _
                2 I go to a small school.                                         4 There are some shoes under the sofa. I think
                                                               all                   there are yours. _
                   eight teachers-
                   very good.                                                     5 I like films. But my parents they never go to the
                3 _                           a festival in my town                  cinema. _
                   today-                     _the biggest in                     6 My grandmother lives in Italy. She's a beautiful
                   my country.                                                       country. _
                                              some milk in the                    7 Sam and I are going to the beach. Would you
                   fridge, but -              -old, so I                             like to come with them? _
                   didn't drink it.                                               8 There are five kilometres to the city centre.
                                              three books on the
                   desk yesterday, but                                            9 It's a new boy in my class. He's quite shy.
                   there now!                                                    10 Who's that girl? - I don't know him. _

                Read Katy's email to her new pen friend.
                                                                                     W Write an email to a pen friend. Describe
                Complete the text. Write one word in each gap.
                                                                                           your town and your family.

                Dear Jill
                I ' d like to be your pen friend. Let me tell you                    I'd llte
                about myself.                                                               e to be your pevv friend. Let tell you
                                                                                     about m,yself
                _live in Inverness.2_is a small city in                              I Live ii*>...
                Scotland.3_are 60,000 people in the city.
                I like        here.

                Today,5_      _is sunny. But in the winter
                rains a lot and sometimes snows.

                _are some interesting places near Inverness.
                _is about 250 km to Edinburgh, the capital
                of Scotland, and®_ only 25 km to Loch Ness,
                with its famous monster.

                * _are five people in my family. My dad is
                                                                                       Self-evaluation Rate your progress.
                called Peter and ,'_is a teacher. My mum is
                called Linda and ,2_is a hairdresser. I      ' ve got                                                        u ÿ u
                a sister called Sally; she is two years older than
                'i         '                               '
                 _ I ve got a brother called John; I m three
                years older than '4_They are annoying
                sometimes but I like'5_
                Please write to,f_about your life in Australia.
                Are"'_kangaroos near your town?

                Best wishes


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