Page 28 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 28

Listen and write. Use the words in the box. O                         I m ,  MflKvdy. These are my
            6 O 5.2 What do they want to eat and drink?                                '
                                                                                      f riends, sue aÿd Leo.
                   burger chips pasta salad sandwich
                   soup coffee cola orange juice water

                Mr Finch:_
                Mrs Finch: sa\AAwic,h
                their daughter:
                their son:_

                Circle the correct word.

                ÿ Is this coat your/yours?
                1 Do you know her / hers grandparents?
                2 Their town is cool. Our / Ours is boring.
                3 I can't remember their / theirs names.
                4 Please come to my / mine house tomorrow.
                5 I've got my bag. Where's your / yours?
                6 Look at that dog. Its / His ears are huge!
                7 'Is this for Milly?' 'Yes. It's her / hers.'
                8 Our / Ours teachers are good. What about yours?

            8            Compare yourself with your partner.
                         Use the words in the box.

                   bag pen socks shoes hair

                  My bag is browtA,. yours Is blue.

                      My hair is browfv. yours is browt/v too.

          £ 9            Write sentences about you and your

                   My bag Is browÿ. Max's bag Is blue.
                   My hair is browi*. vlctey's hair is browi<v too.

          £10 Imagine you are Mandy. Look at the
                          picture on the right and say a false
                          sentence using a word from the box. Your
                          partner says the correct sentence.

                   bag hair jacket shoes trousers T-shirt
                                                                                  r Self-evaluation Rate your progress. 1

                                                                                                 m * m m ,.& &
                  Htsjacteet is white. Hers is browi/v.                                1

                                No. His jacket is black. Hers is white.                3
                  Their shoes are blacte. Mli/ve are white.                            6
                         No. Their shoes are white, yours are browpu.


          26 Demonstratives and possessives
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