Page 30 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 30

Read the text below and choose the correct letter              5 Read the sentences. Complete the second
                A, B or C for each space.                                         sentence so that it means the same as the first.
                                                                                   Use one word.
                                                                                  ÿ This is my pen and that is her pen.
                                                                                     This is my pen and that is hers                .
                                                                                  1 There isn't anything on the table.
                                                                                     There's_on the table.
                                                                                  2 My brother is annoying but yours is nice.
                                                                                     My brother is annoying, but_
                                                                                     brother is nice.
                                                                                  3 There aren't many clouds in the sky.
                                                                                     There are a_clouds in the sky.
                                                                                  4 I haven't got many eggs, so I can't make a cake.
                                                                                     I haven't got_eggs for a cake.
                                                                                  5 Do you want the red dress or the blue dress?
                                                                                     Do you want the red dress or the blue
                                                                                  6 Kim doesn't like the shoes over there.
                                                                                     Kim doesn't like-shoes.
                                                                                  7 Henry has got a new teacher. He's very young.
                                                                                     _new teacher is very young.
                                                                                  8 These books belong to us.
                 ÿ A people worry that the Earth may not
                                                                                     These are_
                 survive forever and humans will have to go 1_
                                                                                  Complete the text. Write one word in each space.
                 But is life possible anywhere else? People
                                                                                     Alice is fifteen years old. She shares a bedroom
                 sometimes talk about Mars, one of the nearest
                                                                                     with ÿ her sister, Isabel. She is thirteen.
                 planets to Earth.There are, however,2_
                 problems with Mars. First of all,3_at least 34                      It's difficult to share a room.There1_
                 million miles from Earth to Mars and it takes                       enough space for everything. We ve got a
                 eight months to get there. Secondly, there is                       lot2_clothes, but3_is only one
                 4                       '                                           wardrobe. My mum says we ve got too4_
                  _oxygen and there       s too much carbon
                 dioxide.f_can survive on Mars without                               clothes but girls need clothes!
                 special equipment.                                                  5 _sister loves reading, so there aref
                                                                                     _of books in the room. She keeps7
                 The biggest problem, however, is water.There
                                                                                     _on a big shelf on the wall. I prefer
                 isn'tf_water on Mars. Without7_, life isn't
                                                                                     listening to music, so I've only got a8__
                 People®_about life on Mars but it probably
                                                                                     We both play® clarinet, so there are two
                 won t happen.
                                                                                     clarinets in the room.,°_one over there is
                                                                                     Isabel's; and this ''_is mine.'

                ÿ ( A Some          B Someone         C Any
                                                                                          Write a short description of your room.
                1 A anywhere        B nowhere         C somewhere
                                                                                          Answer the questions.
                2 A lot of          B much            C too many
                                                                                          . What have you got in your room?
                3 A it is           B they are        C there are                         . Is your room big enough?

                4 A a few           B not enough      C enough                            . Do you share your room?
                5 A Anyone          B No one          C Someone

                6 A any             B no              C some
                7 A the water       B water           C waters
                8 A dream           B dreams          C is dreaming

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