Page 27 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 27

Possessives                                                      *  3 Choose the correct option.

                                                                                  ÿ My brother has got a guitar. It's very old.
           We use possessive adjectives with nouns, and                              My brother's / brothers'guitar is very old.
           possessive pronouns without nouns.
                                                                                  1 Helen has got red hair. It's very long.
           That book belongs to me. It is my book. It is mine.                       Helen's / Helens' hair is very long.
                                                                                  2 Your sisters share a bedroom. It's quite big.
                 Subject            Possessive          Possessive
                                                                                     Your sister's / sisters' bedroom is quite big.
                 pronoun             adjective           pronoun
                                                                                  3 Her children go to school. It's a small school.
                     1                  my                 mine
                                                                                     Her children's / childrens' school is small.

                   you                 your                yours                  4 Paul has got a new phone. It is very cheap.
                    he                  his                 his                      Pauls' / Paul's new phone is very cheap.
                                                                                  5 Kim took some photos.They are excellent.
                    she                 her                 hers
                                                                                     Kim's / Kims' photos are excellent.
                     it                 its                  -
                                                                                  6 Elephants have got trunks.They are very long.

                    we                  our                ours                      Elephant's / Elephants' trunks are very long.

                   you                 your                yours             *4 Complete the sentences with possessive \

                   they                their               theirs                 adjectives.
                                                                                  ÿ Ido m.M homework every night.
                                                                                  ÿ She visits her grandparents on Sundays.
           We use his when a boy or man has got something;
           we use her and hers when a girl or woman has                           1 We really like_teacher. She's great.
                                                                                  2 Kim and Jane are sisters-brother is
           got something.
           Sally and Michael have got new bicycles. His is red.                      called Robert.
           Hers is blue.                                                          3 Did you make_bed this morning?
                                                                                  4 My mum has got dark hair but_eyes
           We don't use the with possessives.                                        are blue.
           This is the her car. That is the mine.
                                                                                  5 They always clean_teeth after breakfast.
                                                                                  6 I like her but I don't like_friends.
           Possessive's                                                           7 That computer has got a problem with-

           We use an apostrophe (') with nouns and names to                       8 He played football yesterday-trainers
           show possession.                                                          are very dirty.

           We add's to a singular noun or name.                                   9 Do you take_phone to school?
           Our teacher's name is Mrs Benson.                                     10 Richard and_sister play in the same
           I like Sue's shoes.

           We add 'to a regular plural.                                        5 Complete the sentences with possessive
           My sisters' bedroom has got three beds.
           He uses his parents' computer.
                                                                                  ÿ That phone belongs to me. It's nUne .
           We add's to an irregular plural.                                       1 Those are her socks. They're_
            The children's toys are in their bedroom.                             2 Sam and I live in that house. It's_

                                                                                  3 This tennis racket belongs to him. It's_
                                                                                  4 Harry and Jim share that room. It's_
                                                                                  5 Do those shoes belong to your brother? Are they
                                                                                  6 This is our computer. It's_
                                                                                  7 You didn't buy these pens.They aren't_
                                                                                  8 This watch belongs to my sister. It's-

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