Page 23 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 23

©4.1 Listen and choose the correct picture. Í
           13 O 4.1 Listen and choose the correct picture. ¿lEj * 5 Read the text and look at the pronouns in bold.
                                                             U W                  Write the noun for each pronoun.

                                                                                     My name's Jack. I am 15 years old and I live in
                                                                                     Manchester. 'lt is a big city in England and I love
                                                                                     I ve got a brother called Bill. 3He is also 15 years
                                                                                     old. That s because "we are twins. Actually, 5he is
                                                                                     ten minutes older than fme!
                                                                                     Bill and I go to the same school, but I don't see
                                                                                      him in lessons because the teachers put ®us in
                                                                                     different classes.
                                                                                     My best friends are Ben and Richard. I see 9them
                                                                                     every weekend, because '°theyplay basketball
                                                                                     in the same team as me.

                                                                                  ÿ lacte 6
                                                                                  1 _ 7
                                                                                  2 _ 8
                                                                                  3 _ 9
                                                                                  4 _ 10
                                                                                  5 _

                                                                             | 6 O 4.2 Complete the dialogue with subject and
                                                                                  object pronouns. Then listen and check.

                                                                                  Kim     Hi, Jane. How are you ?
                                                                                  Jane    , _ m fine. What are you doing?
                                                                                  Kim     I m going to Emily s house.
                                                                                  Jane    Emily? But2-'s still at school.
                                                                                  Kim     Are you sure? I spoke to her this morning
                                                                                          and she agreed to meet'_at four
                                                                                          o clock at her house.
                                                                                  Jane    Well, I saw4_at school. She was with
                                                                                          Beth.5_were talking to Mr Salmon.
                                                                                  Kim     Who's he? I don't know&_
                                                                                  Jane    7 _s the music teacher. Beth and Emily
                                                                                          play in the orchestra. I think he was talking
                                                                                          to®_about the music concert.

                                                                                  Kim     OK. So, Emily isn't at her house now. What
                                                                                          should I do?
                         Work in pairs. Student A says the name                   Jane    Come to my house.5_can do our
                         of a famous person or people. Student B                          homework together.
                         says a sentence using a pronoun.                         Kim     Do you understand ,°_?

                                                                                  Jane    Yes.
                  she's from. America.                                            Kim     I don't. Maybe you can help 1'_!

                                       I saw tolm ov* TV yesterday.

                       They're footballers.

                                                                                                                              Unit 4 21
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