Page 38 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 38

3 Complete the sentences with the correct past                    Past simple: be
                simple form of the verb in brackets.
                ÿ It didn't raí*, on Sunday, (not rain)                       We use the past simple of be to talk about situations
                                                                              that finished in the past.
                1 Cathy_after the exam, (cry)                                 He was a footballer.

                2 _you_Tim to the concert? (invite)                           His parents were very angry.
                3 My parents_English at school.                               The exam wasn,t difficult
                   (not study)                                                 Were you at school yesterday?/ 'No, I wasn't!
                                                                              Where was James last week?
                4 The train _   _suddenly, (stop)
                                                                              There was a lot of traffic in the street.
                5 _        your grandparents_you at the
                   weekend? (visit)
                6 I              _Tom's phone to call my mum.                  6 Circle the correct option.                        O
                   (use)                                                          ÿ The weather is good today, but yesterday
                7 Katie _        _ the door for her teacher.                         it was / wasn't / were terrible.
                                                                                  1 I was / wasn't / weren't at school on Monday
                8 What_          your mum_last night?                                because I was ill.
                                                                                  2 William Shakespeare was / were / weren't a
                9 Harry _        _for me at the bus stop.                            famous writer.
                                                                                  3 They was / wasn't / weren't on the bus; they
               10 I really       -that meal, (enjoy)                                 were on the train.
                                                                                  4 We enjoyed the meal. We was / were / weren't
                         Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions
                                                                                     very hungry!
                         about yesterday and complete the table.
                                                                                  5 There was / wasn't / weren't any milk in the
                         Write a tick ÿ or a cross x.
                                                                                     fridge. It was empty.

                   play sport                                                     6 You was / were / wasn't tired yesterday. Are you
                                                                                     OK today?
                  tidy your room
                                                                                  7 I didn't have an omelette. There was / wasn't /
                   use a computer             ÿ                                      weren't any eggs in the cupboard.

                  walk to school                                                  8 Mike was happy because the exam was / wasn't /
                                                                                     weren t very difficult.
                  get maths homework
                                                                                  9 Those people were / wasn't / weren't students;
                  eat chocolate
                                                                                     they were teachers!
                                                                                 10 The school was / wasn't / were very noisy at
                  üúd you use a computer yesterday?                                  two o'clock but now it's very quiet.

                                                 Yes, i did.

             5 Write two true sentences and two
                          false sentences about your partner in
                          exercise 4. Work with a new partner.
                          Ask them to guess the false sentences.

                 javÿe didn't use a computer yesterday.

                                        flint's false, i tWin\zjane
                                       used a computer yesterday.

          36 Past simple
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