Page 42 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 42

;; 19 o 7.6 Complete with the past simple forms of                                Work in pairs. Think about a bad day that
                the verbs in brackets. Then listen and check.                               you had recently. Answer your partner      ' s
                                                     (you/have) a                           questions, and ask about his or her
                Ben v>id you Wave _                                                         bad day.
                         good weekend?
                Jack     No. Not really.                                            WheiA, did it hflfypei'v?
                Ben      Why not?

                Jack     Well,,_                           (Robert                                      it was 1\a> May last year.
                         and I / decide) to go cycling. But
                          -(we/get) lost.                                           were you aiotÿe?
                Ben      How'_
                         (that/happen)?                                                      No. I was with m,y sister, Ayva.
                Jack     Well,4_(we/not/
                         have) a map.5_
                         (Robert/forget) to bring it. And then it           ;; :22         Write a description of your day from
                         started to rain.                                         f        exercise 21.

                Ben      ® _(you/get) really
                                                                                     it was lt-v May last year. My sister Avÿrx aiÿd
                Jack     Yes, especially Robert.'_                                   decided to go sho"}ypli-vg. it started ok. we ...
                         (he/not/have) a coat. But that wasn't
                         the worst thing. The chain on my bicycle
                Ben      Oh no.
                Jack     9    _(we/not/know)
                         what to do. My'°_
                         (phone/not/work) because we couldn't get
                         a signal. We looked for a car, but
                         any cars on the road.                                    T Self-evaluation Rate your progress. j

                Ben      So what,2_                                                              * * & *
                         (you/do)?                                                     1

                Jack     13                           (we/walk)                        2
                         for an hour. In the end,                                      3
                         14    -(we/come)                                             4
                         to a village and phoned my dad.                               5
                         , ®
                         to meet us m the car.                                     H
                                                      (he/not/be)                      8
                         happy!                                                        9

          *20 Look at the questions in exercise 19. Use words
                from the table to write more past simple                             12
                questions about a bad day.                                           13

                 When... Who...           happen see                                 15
                 What... Where...         go do meet                                 16
                 How... Why...            decide get                                 17

                 Were...                  afraid nervous                             18
                 Was...                   alone late                                 19

             wheuv did It hcrppeiA>? why did you. decide that?                       21

          40 Past simple
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