Page 47 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 47

Present perfect

                   I can use the present perfect tense with appropriate time expressions.

          Present perfect

                                                                                         No, i haven't. Have you.? J

           We use the present perfect to talk about events that               We can, however, use unfinished time expressions,
           happened in the past but we don't know when.                       for example, ever, never, today, once, twice.
           I ve lost my phone. (= I lost it. I don t know when.)              Note that ever and never go before the past participle.
           He's visited Turkey and Russia. (= He visited both countries       I ve never worked as a waiter.
           in the past. We don't know when.)                                  ' Have you ever sailed a boat?' 'No, I haven't.'
                                                                              He,s seen that film twice.
           We often use the present perfect when a past event
                                                                              You've eaten a lot of chocolate today.
           has some connection to now.
                                                                              This is the first time I've ever played chess.
           Someone has broken the chair. (= Here is the chair. We can
           see it is broken. We don t know when it happened.)                 We can use gone to and been to in present perfect
           Sorry! I haven't found your purse. (= I am still looking for       sentences. They have different meanings.
           it now)                                                            She's gone to China. (= She went to China and she's
                                                                              still there now.)
           We don't use a finished time expression, like yesterday
                                                                              She's been to China. (= She went to China but she
           or last year with the present perfect, because it isn<t
                                                                              isn't there now.)
           important or we don't know when an event happened.
           I ve read that book.
           I , ve read that book last year.

             1 Circle the correct option.                                      2 Write the past participles of the irregular verbs.     O
                ÿ  Peter have / has been to Egypt.                                Check your answers on page 176.

                1  We haven't / hasn't seen your bag.                             ÿ break b roteen                8 run
                2 I ve /1 given them some food.                                   1 buy                           9 see
                3  Have / Has you ever tried this?                                2 do                           10 send
                4 You aren't / haven't cleaned your teeth.                        3 eat                          11 speak
                5 Have / Has the children done their homework?                    4 fall                         12 spend
                6 Anna has watch / watched that film twice.                       5 have                         13 tell

                7  ' Have you had dinner?' 'No, we haven't / hasn't.'             6 make                         14 win
                8  Have you read / read you those emails?                         7 read                         15 write

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