Page 48 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 48

3 Complete the sentences with the present perfect                  5 Work in pairs.Take eight objects and put
                form of the verbs in brackets.                                              them on the desk. Student A doesn't look

                ÿ Have uou done               the washing-up?                               and student B changes two items. Can
                   (you/do)                                                                 student A see what has changed?
                                                                                     add move swap take away
                                              all the museums in
                   the town, (we/visit)
                                              his bedroom.                          Ybu.Ve tafeen away the ruler.
                   (he/not tidy)                                                                                         No, i haven't.
                                              her new computer?
                   (Helen/use)                                                      you've swapped the y>e\ÿ for a -pevicil.
                                              Fred today?
                                                                                                                           Yes, i have.
                                              all her songs.
                   (my parents/not learn)                                      6 O 9.2 Lucy Pemberton isa
                                              a lorry?                            done some amazing things in her life. What has
                   (he/ever drive)                                                she done? Listen and write yes or no.
                8 How many plates

                   (I/never eat)
              10 'What's the matter?' 'I'm late and
                   _.  (the bus/not arrive)

           Í4 ©O 9.1 Read the information and listen to the
                   examples. Then listen to the sentences and        Q
                   write weak or strong.

                  Weak                       Strong

                 have/hov/ have/hasv/
                 has/hoz/ has/hiEz/

                 Affirmative sentences Negative sentences
                 Sam has been to Paris. Sam hasn't been to Rome.
                                                                                                                                   *** *
                 Questions Short answers
                 Have you read this Yes, I have.

                ÿ Sam has been to Paris, wea\z
                ÿ Sam hasn't been to Rome, strow
                ÿ  Have you read this book? weate
                ÿ Yes, I have, stroma

                1  Has John bought a new watch? _
                2 Yes, he has. _
                3 I haven't spoken to Jill today. _
                4 Your friends have made you a cake. _
                5  She hasn't phoned me. _
                6  Yes, they have. _
                7 Have you ever met someone famous?
                8 Look! Your brother has fallen asleep. _

          46 Present perfect
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