Page 51 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 51

          ;¡ 16 It is eight o'clock in the evening. What have Sarah         :í1 8 Complete the text with already, just, yet or still.
                and Robert done today? Look at the table and                      Katy Is it the first time you've been to London?
                write sentences with already or yet.                              Sally    Yes, and we've already seen lots of places.

                                      Sarah              Robert                   Katy     Have you been to Buckingham Palace

                 have a shower       9 .30 p.m.        7 . 30 a.m.
                                                                                  Sally Yes, we've2.            seen that. We went
                 make bed            7 . 30 a.m.       8 a.m.                              there yesterday.
                                                                                  Katy     What about theTower of London?
                 do a maths test     yesterday         tomorrow                   Sally    No, we3-haven't visited that.

                 practise the                                                              We'll probably go tomorrow.
                                     7 . 30 a.m.       5 .30 p.m.                          So what have you done this morning?
                 piano                                                            Katy
                                                                                  Sally    We've i_been to Big Ben. We were
                 finish dinner       7 .30 p.m.        8 .30 p.m.                          there ten minutes ago.That was great.

                 watch TV            4 p.m.            8 .30 p.m.                 Katy     Have you been to Buckingham Palace
                                                                                           s        ?
                 clean teeth         9 .30 p.m.        9 .30 p.m.                 Sally    Actually, we're waiting for a bus to go
                                                                                           there now.
                ÿ Robert/have a shower
                                                                                  Katy     Oh. You've6_missed it.The next bus
                   Robert has already had a shower.                                        is in twenty minutes.
                ÿ Sarah/have shower                                                                                                        _
                   Sarah hasn't had a shower yet.
                   .                                                        SI 9 O 9.3 John is organizing a concert at school.
                1 Sarah and Robert/make their beds                                Listen and write ÿ for things he has already doneÿÿ
                                                                                  or x for things he hasn't done yet.
                2 Sarah/do a maths test
                                                                                     Preparations                 ÿ/X

                3 Robert/do a maths test                                           agree a date                    ÿ

                                                                                   send letters to parents
                4 Sarah and Robert/practise the piano
                                                                                   have auditions
                5 Sarah/finish dinner
                                                                                   choose musicians

                6 Robert/finish dinner                                             write the programmes

                                                                                   buy drinks
                7 Sarah/watch TV
                                                                                   make cakes
                8 Robert/watch TV
                                                                                            Work in pairs. Imagine you are going away
                9 Sarah and Robert/clean their teeth
                                                                                            for the weekend and your parents are
                                                                                            asking you about your preparations. Role-
                                                                                            play the situation, using the words in the
          ;: :17         Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions
                                                                                            box and already; yet and just.
                         about the information in exercise 16.
                                                                                     buy the train ticket charge your phone
                  H-as Sarah had a shower     yet?                                   clean your shoes find your camera
                                                                                     get some money have something to eat
                                                                                     pack your bag
                                     No, she hasn't.
                                     H - as Robert had a shower yet?
                  yes, he Mas.
                                                                                    Have youc got every th i kvg ready?

                                                                                                          yes. t>on't worry.
                                                                                                           I ' ve already packed iÿty bag.

                                                                                      Have you. charged y ou.r phoKve yet?

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